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Gems and upgrades

So let me get this straight, before I sell them or anything: Soul Orbs, Demon Stones, Faerie jewels, and all those other marvelous drops are no longer needed for upgrades? I might as well sell them to a vendor or save them for crafting? Anyone know which ones (if any) are still useful? :)

Re: Gems and upgrades

So let me get this straight, before I sell them or anything: Soul Orbs, Demon Stones, Faerie jewels, and all those other marvelous drops are no longer needed for upgrades? I might as well sell them to a vendor or save them for crafting? Anyone know which ones (if any) are still useful? :)
I also would love to know the answer to this. I was collecting items based on a list I had found on here about which remnants/stones and gems/items are needed to obtain meteoric armor. However, I have heard that all the items have changed. A list would be very helpful, because if I no longer need some of these expensive gems, I would like to cash them in.
Level 166 Mage
Lugh [exultantis]

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