Go for it.
You have bolas amazing for new bosses and is almsot a must no skill comapres to it
Light heal beat my crappy lil life drain which is useless
I have seen longshot do over 2k damage and has a restriction just like sneaky.
Sharpshot is much like quick but quick is better no doubt
Barbed and rend are the same but you get more initial damage
You have the ability to hit as fast as a rogue with your rapid shot but have higher autos then us.
You are ranged and wont use as many idols you are a well rounded class so dont give me bs about being underpowered cause currently my clan almost needs rangers for every new boss to spare idols. Rogues are not needed not at all this game would survive without the class and it wouldn't be missed. Just get mages instead
You have same armour also. Dont give me bs u know aswell as us we needed a boost not a nerf and we got jack!
Bolas , best skill no doubt . Light is better than life steal I guess , although hp gained+damage done with 1 skill far surpasses lh total heal . Long doesn't compare to sneaky don't bother acting as if it does assass beats it too. Rend and barbed are the same crap meaningless and barbed can miss completely not sure about rend . Sure rapid is awesome now about 15% of the time playing since it's always in cooldown . Eh ive not felt all that needed at bosses , sure we are decent add control but seriously that's what warcry is for . We could compare the rest of the skills if you like , poison best of the buff skills hands down . Spikes vs idk I'm bored with this post tbh , I do enjoy disagreeing with you though lol
Balance wise I just wish otm had buffed other classes instead of nerfing Mage and rogue , and rogue coulda been buffed as well.