60 points to hit 2.5k on mage now and energy shield reduced
That 1 skill hit for 2.5 k takes the same time 6 auto hits looking at leader boards best auto is 3 k i know thats all str builds but im pretty sure you could auto 1k with normal setup as my noobie rogue hits for 250
I feel robbed of 3k of damage and half my hp with energy shield nerf aswell you have pretty much made mages useless
Thx for that OTM
If you want me to do same damge as everyone else give me the same amount of armour as everyone else or put the damage back up
mage and druid (class 1) hitting is based by casting (trigger by hand). ranger warrior and rogue (class 2) hitting is based by casting or auto. so mage and druid can cast high dmg are reasonable. because we are using our finger to play. if we combined ranger warrior and rogue auto melee hit and casting hit, their dmg are very high. did ch have consider this point during class balancing? we can't directly compare class 1 and class 2 dmg. my maths is bad. have anybody count and compare the dmg between class 1 ( human trigger ) and class 2 ( human trigger and auto melee hit)?
class 1 no armor, class 2 have good armor.
class 1 hitting by human finger, class 2 hitting by human finger and auto melee hit
druid have shield bark and abundant for other and himself. mage only have energy shield for himself.
mage became weakest one on armor.
pls ch to consider to recovery mage energy shield or reduce our casting cool down time
because we are using our finger to do dmg