by Redaki
Hello all, now before we start, it is well understood im going to receive a lot of attacks or disagreements as that is just the way of life and as is expected. So to those who wish to comment like so please keep to a minimum for terms of space for real thought out opinions to be shared, it will be greatly appreciated.
To kick things off, yes this is about the current patch (May 15, 2013). I would like to discuss the nerfing on Mage. I am personally a mage and so my views will be thought as different so please feel free to leave a knowledgeable comment discussing a counter argument and I will gladly address it. But anyway, seems like the most talked about on the whole nerf is damage and shield. well, lets get to the math and common sense of it shall we.
Mage DPS:
As a lvl 129 ice mage DPS, I would obtain significant amounts of damage one could argue, my max hit is 10th highest for awarn where I am. but when I think of the word DPS, I honestly think all classes can be equally compared. As I explained to a great clanmate, Kingowing, mages high DPS is somewhat an illusion. Granted if we hit 100% of our casts wed be insane dps casters, buuuuuut we don't....... let me break this down.
on a single cast loop, the first is usually the biggest for energy purposes, I have max shield,968 energy, max shards and blast, together at close to 500 total. and then lures and eboost.
Well theres my build, now the damage, I think its safe to say it takes about 5 seconds to let both skills off, then the fun part, a near 20 second wait to recast! do we have melee? some of us that run h2h, a different build, but for the most part, no. so with the 2 casts id say I hit roughly 6k dmg. this is where the illusion is found. 6k every 20 seconds, on a mob,where these hits are only possible, that takes lets say 1 minute, that's 18k damage. back to when I said if we hit 100% thatd be great, but in reality I hit maybe 60%, making me hit a wopin 8k, woohoo..... THe killer is that 20second wait on no damge grace zone, a 2* mob can easily tear my shield down, costing me another 1k energy to use.
now enrgy fun math time woot!, for a mage I have more energy than I usually see around, 5.8k enrgy and 1k hp, so lets work the math (future potential mathlete) with the energy said above on skills, m initial cast takes exactly 1621, BAM! almost 30% gone. following, every 20 seconds following, I use a good 500 energy. and if the mob destroys the shield or in 2 min, I use another 1k energy. so to keep math simple for those that hate it, lets say in a 6 minute time period, I will have used a minimum of 4 shields and casted 12 times. So 4000+ (12*500)=?. Well if you guessed 10,000 energy youd be soo right that it pains me. Now there are some of you that are thinking “wait, this mathlete dude said 10k energy in 6 mins when he has only 5.8k.) lets go ahead and count in my regens and my eboost. In this build I have a boost that does 151 every tick and I keep it on as often as I can, which is hard to balance out due to intervention for skills. The first tick is always half for the energy cost, but for times sake and brain saving from my boring writing, well say 150 per tick, or for those that feel im cheating well actually go 155. Now a ‘tick’ is every 3 seconds I do believe. So 155 and my regen gear adding another 40 comes to 195 every 3 seconds. How many seconds in a minute? 60. And in the 4 minutes out of 6 (ask any mage, u don’t get the full 6 minutes unless your crazy attentive), it comes to 240 seconds. So 240/3 for the 3 second time is 80 times the skill casted. 80 X 195 = 15,600. So I do get the energy back, but look at how fast I can burn 6k energy as opposed to gain it. 2 shields for a 4* mob is needed for me in particular, and about 3 casting cycles. That adds up to 1,500 energy, then the next mob comes and the next and the next then like magic, I made my energy go poof. The problem for this magic trick is for 5,800 energy to come back, I need to sit and rest for a time period. Lets see 5800/195= about 30 ticks, this being 10 seconds every 4-5 mobs. Resulting, in 20 mins, I used 3-4 of it to just sit and find where I lent my energy too.
Lets get into other class dps. Since rogue was unagreeably nerfed, we will use the all hated ranger (NONSENCE!!!) . I have a level 129 ranger too so comparison is sorta simple for me. My average hit as my ranger on auto Is upwards of 230. And id say w/o a speed bonus I attack every 2.4 seconds, well go 2.5 for math purposes. Now in that 6 minutes my mage would have (on a perfect, unlikely, horribly far from, nowhere near, impossible cast) I would have done 18 casts, assuming all hit that’s 18*6000 and a wow of 108k damage. So as a ranger in that 6 mins we need to do odd math. 360 seconds divided by 2.5 speed times 230 average damage. 360/2.5= 144……. 144 attacks X 230 damage each=……… 33,120 with all skills I got so another 600 every 20 seconds comes out as 18 X 600 = 10,800 for a total of 33,120 + 18,800 = 43920 damage. Lot of you are like “wait, he just proved op in mages” I DID NOT I SAY!!! I didn’t take into account the breaks my mage takes, the health my mage lacks, the armour my mage lacks, the speed gloves my mage lacks, I put a cooldown for rangers at 20 seconds, and the AMAZING HEALING power of rangers not to mention the insane rang at which one can attack. (now im liking ranger, way to go me). And I know some of you out there live to challenge things so lets go make another point for you guys to battle. All classes rely on what to hit more often than not? Attack. Now at level 129 mine is 2k+, so at say 160 id say its nearing 3k+. now mage, what stat do we have that allows us to hit more often? Hope? Crossing out fingers? Nope, none. So at 129 I hit roughly 60% of my casts and miss the other 40%. Lets apply my stats to the previously found damage in 6 minutes. 108,000*.6 comes to a total of 64,800 for me in 6 minutes. Now that’s a 20k difference in damage still but what do mages not have that rangers do? (look above, fingers are tired of typing)
Now please get me straight, rangers are insanely good classes in my opinion due to their ability to bolas and avoid damage for the 30 seconds the mob is walking, and the insane heals that no other class except druid can muster up.
With All this info and math that I used to help you all fall asleep before your very computers, I hope it helps you reach the same conclusion that mages were down to earth just as much as all other classes.
I DO think that the boost to the classes that was just implemented was a great idea and certainly helped a small amount, but the decrease to rouges and mages was the offset in the world.
If the math doesn’t do the trick, ask yourself, if your like me, *cough*a great looking nerd *cough*, in what world or movie or game, is a mage equivalent to any class, they control earths elements, other classes master a weapon or healing art. Honestly, the difference between a mage and the assumed worst class in game is only dummed down to 20k damage when a mage has horrible health to achieve this, you know you are just lashing out from an odd thirst for power. Im almost positive if you go full strength and sacrifice your hp you will be right next to us mages
IN my final statement, I ask you hard working developers to consider this post and look further into the changes you guys are making on the game, I admire the efforts of mobs and gear and watching out to make sure all levels can do something, but in this effort you guys are messing up your perfect game by constantly forcing us to find a new type of build, something’s just odd when a mage punches stuff with a sword, rather than use their own skills.
A special thanks to all in awarn and in particular, my Serenity clan mates, and To Pherra and LordDoctor of BadaBing
In hopes of Change,
Dent, mage of awarn and general of Serenity
World: Arawn
Clan: Serenity
Main Class: Unknown even to me