Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

+skill rings

The "old" skills... where do the +skill rings drop? Like Light Heal/Nature's Touch/Shield Bash etc... I assume in OW, but what do they drop from and what do you have to kill to get the greater/grand/royal etc?

Thanks =) I know the new skill rings drop in the new zones...but needing some of the older skill rings that nobody seems to be farming/selling.

Re: +skill rings

You can get glass and crystal rings from mobs, and fabled, grand, and royal drop from bosses for the Retaking Faerieland Quest and also the OW quest line with the all seeing one and such. Hope this helps. :)
World: Gwydion

Wiffle- LVL 152+ -Rogue

Started playing on May 3rd, 2012.

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