Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: I'll tell you why I came to forums

There is a ton of feedback about the update on your so-called forums. All you have to do is read them and you'll get a general feel about what people think of what class. It doesn't take that much brainpower to figure out what problems the update has ATM. I don't understand why these small fixes are taking so long. You can reduce energy costs, power, and cooldown for mage skills but not for druids? Why weren't druids fixed along with mages? Is more convincing really needed?

You created this problem when you decided to **** people over and nerf sigils. Now you have to fix it or let the game croak.

Funny i didnt read anything about mages been Op , when rogues can skill hit the same as mages they come and get nerfted , and looks like evasion rates are higher then ever ..... Mages didnt get fixed they got nerfted ( v4 mages ) and they got roll back to v3 mages with a little boost ,but wait rogues can still hit 11k and mages cant ..... Idk really if the input they read is on beta forums ....

After players with multi chars choose mages to level they got nerfted i havent find the pacth notes i just notice while killing some mobs.

Re: I'll tell you why I came to forums

There is a ton of feedback about the update on your so-called forums. All you have to do is read them and you'll get a general feel about what people think of what class. It doesn't take that much brainpower to figure out what problems the update has ATM. I don't understand why these small fixes are taking so long. You can reduce energy costs, power, and cooldown for mage skills but not for druids? Why weren't druids fixed along with mages? Is more convincing really needed?

You created this problem when you decided to **** people over and nerf sigils. Now you have to fix it or let the game croak.
Perhaps you should quit? That is, since you just admitted you can't play with "nerfed" classes and sigles. Lol.
World - Sulis
Clan - Toxic

H3ROsRogue - lvl 220 rogue
H3ROsRanger - lvl 200 ranger
H3ROsMage - lvl 220 mage
H3ROsDruid - lvl 220 druid
H3ROsWarrior - lvl 200 warrior
H3ROsLocker - lvl 190 rogue

Can't imagine losing kills to a ranger in 2019.

Re: I'll tell you why I came to forums

Good morning Admin!

There are reports of the druid skill 'Howling wind' not working since the update.

Please see the "Gone with the howling wind" thread: http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =4&t=34567

and the "Howling wind no works now!!" thread: http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 48&t=34393

I don't need you to clone my druid or anything extreme, but the hearts of us druid folk will sing if you could look into this skill and make sure that it is working as it should. Let us know if there was an intended change that didn't make it into the patch notes or if the wind between our ears called 'imagination' has just run wild. With everything going on it would be a shame to see a simple solution to a fairly simple issue get overlooked in the grand scheme of things. The last thing we all want to hear is the lonely sound of droning druids crooning the lyrics to "Dust in the wind" feeling sorrow for a skill that once was. Let's not get that miserable song to get stuck in our heads.

Much appreciate your feedback!

Thank you

Re: I'll tell you why I came to forums

Ok found a solution.
Went back to my world to sulk. Died repeatledly after restatting to 400 vit! And 34/35 eshield. Cryer a little more. Told clan I couldn't play this way anymore and was logging til otm ironed all this out.

Was offered a lux item to try out by a clannie...low and behold I lived! I can kill mobs 3levels higher and live!

Of course Id appreciate a rebirth book and a lux swap but I'm good now. Nvm about the cloning admin, but Ty anyway.
Ok so do you mind sharing what offhand granted you this amazing survive ability? Was it a warrior regine shield? Please share so we all know and get this offhand to be able to play again.

Re: I'll tell you why I came to forums

"Mage" is a four letter word. FACT.

What's that I hear? WIND. The kind that howls.

DRUID: Oh hey! Howling wind! What's up bro?

HW: I'm feeling a little feeble. Could you lift me with your heady nature magic? BTW, I'm totally not a bro.

DRUID: Waves totem. Oh noes! Nothing is happening! Guess what though...I'm not a bro either!

HW: Great. Now that we have established that we are both in fact not bros, lets get back to the problem at hand.

DRUID: I'm putting points into you right now!

HW: Air is still standing still over here. YAWN.

DRUID: Maybe if I put my cute pirate outfit on and then wave my totem...

HW: AHEM. Don't you know simply looking cute gets you nowhere in this world?

DRUID: Well neither does impatience and rudeness my friend. I'd like to think my wits outweigh my charm anyhow.

HW: Sigh. Just call ADMIN. He will know what to do...

DRUID: He? You could have just ruined 'his' day, assuming that 'ADMIN' is a bro. They will never help us now!

....and then the air stood still in suspense...

Re: I'll tell you why I came to forums

Look I don't play mage often, but if Admin says Mage is playable, it likely is. You just probably haven't found the best gear/stat combination yet. He has asked repeatedly for your info so he can mirror your characters because likely you guys aren't playing the way they want mage to be played. I think the thing people are missing is that OTM has an idea for how mage should be played, that likely works very well if you get it right. Just like a warrior is good at tanking. My guess is that some mages are playing out of the way a mage was intended to play just like a warrior who is solely DPS and no health won't succeed.


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