Hi there, if you contact support they will be able to help you with this.Ik that. But i believe its a glitch. I thought it was my password wrong. So i tryed resetting it. But its the username that is wrong. The reason i believe its a glitch bcuz i tryed over 25 different username and pass and same thing over and over again came up. Everytime username was wrong.
Re: wtf!? still not able to log in!
#16word sensitive? Try making a new account. If it works then it is you and not it. Sorry to hear this buddy.
2nd Ipad works for me or did he mean Ipod?
2nd Ipad works for me or did he mean Ipod?
Stonehenge level 61 Epona! nuuu mer elixers pm me if you're selling.
Grand development!
Grand development!
Re: wtf!? still not able to log in!
#17I normally use ipad 1 but i tried 2nd gen ipod to see if it worked. Also tried using iphone 4s. With same result. Well there goes my 125 ranger and 110 warrior :/ not sure when support is going to email me sent it like 5 days ago.
Re: wtf!? still not able to log in!
Stonehenge level 61 Epona! nuuu mer elixers pm me if you're selling.
Grand development!
Grand development!
Re: wtf!? still not able to log in!
#19Hi there, please be assured that all support tickets and emails will be seen to in time. However at the moment we are still dealing with a large backlog and sending in multiple requests will slow this process down. If I have not emailed back by Tuesday please PM me on the forums and I'll see what I can do to help.
Thanks for understanding!
Thanks for understanding!