To be honest, I actually welcome the rage mode.
It brings a lot more dynamics and strategies required to bossing. Its been fun devising whats the best way to counter rage as opposed to standard boring tanking 101 - Stage a tank with 2-5 druids, rest is auto attack.
With rage mode, I reckon the teams and different classes are actually required to work more in synergy.
There have been no problems with bossing the new bosses in Taranis. Took a bit of work but its manageable with proper levels, planning and execution.
Thumbs up to rage mode.
PS: If you think this is hard, wait till you encounter mobs that deal 8k damage and bosses dealing 15k. Not even rage mode on. lol now that one is pretty insance
My only problem with rage is that it undoes what target lock was suppose to do. Players not in the top clans on each server will once again not have the ability to participate in the content because the timer was set up for high level groups.
Top clans are not having problems with the rage timer because it was not added for them. As i understand it the rage was implemented to counter the concern about boss locking. If top clans are running into it with balanced groups what chance will the other players in the game have.