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Re: New boss melees 7000 damage this needs to stop

on the other hand, if you really want to wipe an underpowered group - maybe the rage timer should go off after 10 minutes if they haven't made at least 25% progress. IDK
This made me think of an interesting take on the rage timer...

How about the timer scales as the fight progresses? At 10 minutes if you haven't done at least 25% damage then the boss increases rage damage by X amount, at 15 or 20 minutes if you haven't done 50% damage it increases more and continues to scale thus encouraging well formed/balanced parties to tackle these bosses.

This way the boss doesn't just automatically turn into a near unkillable beast once rage kicks in at 15 minutes... it gives groups a fighting chance.

On a side note, is the timer valid for all mob bosses or just the newer quest bosses and aggy?

Re: New boss melees 7000 damage this needs to stop

A great Idea would be to make a similar skill available to warriors. That way a warrior could be just as effective of a dps as a rogue. Kinda like a beserker warrior
No -.-, you shouldn't have the most dps, along with armor and health. Keep it at the hp and armor, not dps
I've seen people hate and want to nerf classes before. But I've never seen someone as much as you do want to keep a class nerfed. And before you say warriors are tanks. What happens when these spots are already filled? Make the 170 warrior remake a new rogue to play with instead?
Druid-185+ Server-Rosmerta Clan-Forever "Believe none of what you hear,and half of what you see."

Re: New boss melees 7000 damage this needs to stop

Rage timer is pretty much pointless anyway with how people are killing bosses. It's turned into one big bola walk fest because it's simply the more efficient way to kill now.
Sadly yes and it is quite tedious.

*Referring to the bola walk fest*
180 druid- DingoSirius
158 druid-
159 mage- AmagingDingo
144 warrior-
141 ranger-
134 rogue-
113 rogue(retired)

Re: New boss melees 7000 damage this needs to stop

Efficient-referring to less deaths/idol burn.

Tedious-because in my opinion I find that style of bossing to be so.

I don't understand your eye rolling as to me it makes perfect sense. Please allow me to illustrate.

(esp. of a system or machine) Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.

Too long, slow, or dull: tiresome or monotonous:

As a druid bola kiting makes bossing much duller for me.

Also I agree with immo's points earlier in the thread.
180 druid- DingoSirius
158 druid-
159 mage- AmagingDingo
144 warrior-
141 ranger-
134 rogue-
113 rogue(retired)

Re: New boss melees 7000 damage this needs to stop

I get what you meant, but I don't normally relate a tedious and boring strategy as the most efficient one. How can it be the most efficient when it takes so long and it wastes everyone's time? However, I am not here to debate semantics. You were referring to less idols used as the most efficient, so be it. Most people right now just want to kill bosses quickly, get the loot, curse at OTM for more gems, and get back to grinding.

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