I agree with alot of these posts. Something's changed and druids are less fun to play in general. The main issue imo is that focus doesnt do anything to increase our heals at high levels. I mean a 39 point boost to healing touch with 100 focus?!?! That is ridiculous! Its like we are better off with tons of vitality. Come on now. Make focus mean something. 100 focus points should add 200 healing touch at my level (161) .
Also our lux gear is horrible. Why should i spend 475k for an offhand that boosts my healing touch by 55!?!?
Please throw us a bone. Help make our class fun again.
Maybe the point is, 55 heal isn't going to make a difference in death or survival of those you are healing, so there is no need to purchase said 475k item...
Or how about, you skill less touch and or stat less focus so the 475k item has a greater affect, therefore you are able to add to DOT, DPS, Buff, or Debuf so to increases your skill rotation potential. I mean seriously... I don't mean disrespect but everyone complaining here has such a one track mind on "HOW A DRUID SHOULD BE" that you all fail to see the multiple possible options that we have with the variety of GEAR, SKILLS, and STATS that are available.
I have full new lux, I DO NOT HAVE energy problems. If you do not have full lux, and you DO have energy problems... make sure you and your clan have a second gimp healer on hand to compensate for your gimpness. <-------(SIMPLE SOLUTION). If you can not heal a boss battle, make sure you call a second or third or fourth gimp healer to ensure your success.<------(AGAIN, Same, SIMPLE SOLUTION).
I mean seriously (for a second time), you all are complaining because you think, as a single healer, should be able to heal, solo, through a fight...that OBVIOUSLY is not currently designed for one, or two, or TEN druids. Figure out HOW many will it take. I bet however many it requires will motivate people to roll more druids. And you cry they are leaving in droves... I proclaim they are, and will be deemed, as the class of all classes to be built, because that is what the game requires. Druid or Die is my MOTTO.
The last thing I want to comment on is the suggestion that 16 toon boss raids only acquire three drops, of which are only partials for full sets of equips. So, let me get this straight. End game bosses, require end game skillz, to obtain end game lewtz... and what, you all want to achieve this gearz in a month, or two, or six. GTF outta here. Your lucky they drop three items and spawn every six, to twelve, to twenty four hours. I've played games where next tier lewt bosses dropped ONE for every 40 toons raid and spawned once a week if lucky... not to mention they required two straight weeks of failed attempts and mass wipes with xp loss, level loss, and gold sinks to figure out. YOU HAVE IT EASY, STOP CRYING.
OTM is on the correct path. All you NUB players need to get on the same path and either start playing, stop playing, or give some real effing feedback that will progress this game, because up to this point all I hear are crying QQ whine nubs that want it their way instead of playing the GAME WAY. And in this situation, the game way is the OTM way.
Future transmissions of concern about game play should include exactly how the game exists in its current state, how the game was in its previous state, and your reasoning in why it should be one way or the other. If you do not have HOW IT IS NOW, with correct and current information on WHAT IT TAKES to do what is NEEDED...STFU, your crying is not going to be considered. THAT my friends, is the reality of the situation. AIIAW,YCKMFA.