I was comparing the same aspects of the classes. What is the point of a rogue if a mage can do everything we can but better please explain??
Ranger still have light heal and bolas and are still super important for new bosses. The simple fact that rogues get beat in every single aspect of this game by another class shows there is something wrong.
I do hve a mage and i do know what they can do. But the simple fact is why have a class which is just not as good in every way to another class?? You balance classes by making them each good at different things but if a class beat another class at everything the 1 class is underpowered.
If you believe that mages should be better at rogues at everything then you have no idea of class balance please have a think about it. You and i both know ovules dps should be top its what they was made for and it isn't.
Now as for the auto. What is the point of having 1500 autos if 1 resists take them to 150. 2 they miss around 70% of the time. Please explain to me that?? I hve 5000 attack and 1.5k damage and miss 70% of time an hit 150s regular... Yet if a mage is there i hit 900s and i only get another 5% extra hit rate if i use smoke bomb whih lasts 20 secs but my dps is increased 500% by lures which last 1 min
So its your turn to answer my questions
If your auto is that bad you need help my friend.
As for if I think mages should be better than rouges, no not really. Do I believe that if a rogue is out DPS'd in a group effort they should complain, no but you do.
The simple point of the matter is this, yea, games a bit unbalanced as is. Mages do hit harder, we also consume more energy and have less armour, which is something you seem to ignore. We can miss our attacks too believe it or not and us missing a cast in solo level can sometimes be fatal.
Mages get the damage at the cost of armour and before you say it, yes we got a shield that supplies with 1.1k armour at 30/30 but this doesn't do much as mobs can easily kill it when a mags misses a cast. Rogues get the damage and the armor is significantly better as compared to a mages. They have insane feats in auto and the good ones do manage to hit the mob more than 30% of the time. Rangers have bolas and longshot allowing them to pin a mob and damage it almost 80% before it touches them. Druids are the masters of the heal. And warriors are insane armour wearers without the great damage achieved by rogues or mages.
I honestly think that you brookie1 are wasting your writing talent complaining about something very few agree with you on. Get to 175 and get full dragon and you'll complain about that not giving enough heat damage for legs and how mages give +5 to shield. You can't have it all so appreciate what you got.
If I missed any question please lemme know and I'll adress them, btw have you emailed the movie directors yet about mages being too strong?