I feel it's kind of an exaggeration when people say you need plat to be successful in this game. Saying this as modestly as I can say, I just about have as good dps as it gets as a main for my level, and I've never bought plat. I don't lix either. I'd be 130 or so by now if I actually put effort into leveling lol. I outdps just about anyone within 10 levels of me on an appropriate level boss or mob. I have new lux and lots of damage gear, and I consider myself a somewhat high level, and I've never bought plat. I also did all this without a clan. Whatever you put into it is what you get out of it.
I am filled with admiration at players like yourself. Not buying Plat and working slow and steady.
But in terms of this discussion who cares how high you have levelled without buying Plat or Elix etc?
You are the exception and not the rule. My main got to nearly 90 the same way other than a few backpack expansions but i don't think I would have the patience now.
This thread is about new player's reactions to a game that is becoming more geared to Plat buying either directly or indirectly (player grinds for gold and buys Plat or Lux items). The down time between kills and the drudgery of the grind either make a player buy Plat to sell to get Lux or just perhaps give up.
I think as levels increase you will find smaller percentages of players like yourself.
Dont confuse the admirable with the moral.
What I mean is in game terms it is not necessarily "good" to level with endless grinding. Many people don't have the time for this or the patience. They want fun. You say you are "successful" but this is a game not a career choice. The game should give fun and satisfaction (not always the same thing).
There needs to be a balance between grinding Versus achieving something and having things to do at each level that give rewards. If we all hit 200 in a week the game would be boring but if it takes a year to hit 90 or 100 and the ONLY activity is grinding then that is boring for most people too.
Luckily the clans and other player interactions help ie people to socialise with. But isn't that is also a telling negative that the game is not developed enough to keep interest on its own ?
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea
Epona (The little server that could)