Celtic Heroes

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Re: Druid Skill Data - Currently Working (NT, NE, NB, Sanct)

Ran a preliminary test on my lvl 90:
Verified the figures given for the focus to energy ratio 1156 on 185

I assume as proven
:!: 1 pt focus = 6,25 energy gain
:!: energy = 6,25 * focus

Further 'fact statement': :!: All figures are calculated in decimal and properly rounded.

Hypothesis from the figures seen so far:
Sry for not having a proper spreadsheet at hand for the next 3weeks for doing the real calculations. :oops:

:idea: Calculations are not likely full lookups tables or arithmetic/geometric rows v[n] = sum (f(i))
:idea: Calculations are likely logarithmic, exponential or polynomial Val= nerf*f(lvl)+socket

:idea: The overall formula is not simply additive ( Val= f(skill) + f(abil) + f(focus) )

:idea: Input of focus gain is (rapidly) decreasing with focus

So much my 2cent for the moment
HomoLudens - no matter how old, never quit playing
Life is like a casino - In the end the bank always wins

Re: Druid Skill Data - Currently Working (NT, NE, NB, Sanct)

Just thought I'd add if you don't have a spreadsheet program there are free alternatives to Microsoft excel. Simply go to OpenOffice.org and download. It's compatible and has similar GUI making it easy to use if you are already familiar with excel.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
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Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
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# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Druid Skill Data - Currently Working (NT, NE, NB, Sanct)

Just thought I'd add if you don't have a spreadsheet program there are free alternatives to Microsoft excel. Simply go to OpenOffice.org and download. It's compatible and has similar GUI making it easy to use if you are already familiar with excel.
Sorry got misunderstand.
I do have a spreadsheet, namely Excel, but have no access to it for the next 3 weeks. And I'd need graph and correlation curve features for this, which is a dream-on feature for the i-offices.
(well actually I could do a vpn-rdp session from the iPhone, but that gives 'pain in the ass' a whole set of new dimensions)
HomoLudens - no matter how old, never quit playing
Life is like a casino - In the end the bank always wins

Re: Druid Skill Data - Currently Working (NT, NE, NB, Sanct)

Thank you for your contribution, I have added you to the OP as well as created a new spreadsheet NRG CALC with the correct numbers relating to how many energy per focus at each increment being tested. Also, the above equations are interesting. Can you define the variables for me so I can understand it more completely. More specifically, what does f equal, i equal, nerf equal, and socket equal. The others I understand but some may not so please elaborate.

Thanks HL

PS. Nice name :)
That was for the beginning a more general idea or type of description, for I am not so sure about the English names and abbrev. in Algebra.

Arithmetic rows are e.g. Function term sum(2n): 2+4+6+8+10+... = 2,6,12,20,30,....

Nerf and socket was just my funny naming for constants, cause that's what they would do in a formula.
Nerf (or boost) would be an overall multiplier.
This might or might not be present (and if not it still is simply 1). More likely it is, given patch comments of nerfing by x%
Socket is a minimum value you get independent of anything else

So one of the possible basic equations (only one degree of freedom / one parameter changing / one variable) is polynomial.
One parameter that clearly seems to be one variable only is ENG cost

ENG = round ( n * ( a* SKL * SKL + b * SKL + c ) ) + s

ENG Energy
SKL Skill level
a,b,c,n,s constants
Round Rounding function ( 1,49999= 1, 1,500 = 2 )

Which is a version of the general polynomial function. Y= ax^2+bx+c

At least this type of formula is well fitted to describe a decreasing or increasing growing curve.
An alternative function is y=a*log(bx)+c

First thing is to establish the a,b,c terms as they fully describe the formula (if the curve is shaped this way at all).
If I'd do the programming, I would use limited groups of those values and do the relative balancing with my n and s constants.

If one does a graph in Excel of the values and adds a trend line of the various types to it, those constants are just what u get. and in addition you get the regression Coefficient R which describes the quality of the fitting.
HomoLudens - no matter how old, never quit playing
Life is like a casino - In the end the bank always wins

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