People not that I'm not cheesed off at the way OTM has failed to cater to the higher levels who play the game but:
1) there is absolutely NO legal case for anything. They can ban all lvl80+ for no reason now if they wanted. No recourse.
2) they make (and I'm pretty sure I'm right) 85%+ of thier revenue off new players under lvl 80. Sure 95% of 100usd and up purchases are from lvl100+ players. But this is such a tiny amount of total sales it is not relevant. Thus the not caring.
3) omg rotfl lol complain to apple about a money making machine? So lemme see you are going to complain to the massive 'north Korea' business model monopoly company that bends its customers over with a 1 option market and complain about money making? They are the envy of the business world for that exact thing!!! I literally had to clean my phone screen I laughed so hard.
On point "2)" That could very well be true but from my knowledge of the player base on belenus I just don't see it. Do noobs outnumber high lvls sure, but most I've spoken with have spent $20 tops for some pack space and other things they couldn't buy off a plat seller. Now I spend $100 pretty much everyweek I'm active, many in my clan spend similar and some even more. I've played actively for say a year so 5, 200. So to equal just my spending is about 260 of the noobs I most comoly discuss this with. To equal my clans top 10 spenders would require more than 2600 small time plating noobs, I'm highly sceptical that that many have come through belenus but its possible I am incorrect and maybe other servers are different in this respect.
Reguardless as a player that does support the game fiscally I would appreciate a straight forward reasponse from OTM on this issue, so that I may be fully aware if I need to find a new game or not.