+1 to adding regen
But regarding other points raised:
One -reaver shield does not suck. If u knew how to play ur class u will realise how powerful it is.
Two- warrior dps does not suck. Again if u knew how to play warrior, got the right skills and gear ull be doing heavy damage.
Three- all warrior armor is tank oriented, yes this is true and a problem. We askd in beta for some dps armor or stats but they ignored feedback.
Warrior dps is purely the gear and not the skills so therefore without gear that any class can use the damage a warrior can deal sucks. With all my aggy radiant lux gear plus a ymir hammer my skills hit less then double strike awesome skill but shows two autos is always better then a skill hit. As for Reaver shield at high lvls were u would be tanking its pretty useless and on mobs the extra 50-100 damage is so low that it wont make much of a difference especially when u can triple it withthe axe. Ur third point i completely agree they ignored almost all warrior feedback which really annoyed me i did like how they fixed shield wall but the other feedback was ignored.