Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Take it from a retired mage...

Energy shield is the key. Use it well.
e shield sucks it dies fast and takes forever to recast plus costs stupid amounts of energy.Are u sure u had a mage in this version of the update.
Yes. I've used energy shield... I can kill 4 mobs on my mage before it goes out. Usually 2.
World- Sulis
FrostKnight- LVL 222 Ranger
FrostDagger- LVL 198 Rogue
Sancus- LVL 197 Mage

Re: Take it from a retired mage...

lol 2-4 mobs before your eshield goes out? you must be level 50. At lvl 140ish woth maxed shield I can take 2-4 HITS before mine goes out. Less than 1 hit from a boss.
I can't remember my first mages lvl cos I deleted him a while back.. But I made a new mage, and screwed up the build lol.
World- Sulis
FrostKnight- LVL 222 Ranger
FrostDagger- LVL 198 Rogue
Sancus- LVL 197 Mage

Re: Take it from a retired mage...

I have to agree with marco here
Mages skills cost more to use than other classes for same damage
they have virtually no mellee and there armour is so low its not funny
The regen items that r in game r great if you r not a caster if you r then your doubly screwed
As spells cost so much to cast and regen is just about enough for mellee classes
When it comes to boss fights the huge area attacks one hit you
If you try to take out an add you dont have the firepower or hp to solo it
If you spam damage spells your area attacks will pull adds which will kill you as you won't have the hp or armour to survive
If you play lure monkey then you can't level without large group
If you like playing a support role play a druid they r better at it and able to solo level
If you want to dps play rogue as you can kill stuff and deal with adds aswell
Before the nerf i would quite comfortably pull and kill adds while doing bosses now i have neither the firepower or the hp to do this with my lures i felt useful to groups now to lure i have to give up the dps i had in first place while doing bosses i can nolonger go at it all guns blazing as it costs a fortune in idols because of the adds that i now pull and cannot kill
Doing Magic stuff since June 2011

Re: Take it from a retired mage...

Eliminater otm seem to think if they ignore the problem it will go away well it won't
Im not playing mage simply because its crap im playing rogue instead as it does double the damage for same mana cost and has better armour and much much better auto attack i still love my mage but i cant play it in its broken state its been my main for the last 2 years so im not happy about just giving it up without a fight
Doing Magic stuff since June 2011

Re: Take it from a retired mage...

@ Elim

I would be complaining too but I kinda gave up hope for any improvements. Also note, most alts are just for fun and don't usually go through bosses etc and most mains have simply invested so much that they don't want to give up.

The main response for the op is: don't play a mage unless you're willing to purchase an insane amount of sigils, not be able to solo effectively, and honestly, not really have fun.

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