Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Summer event

Lol admin changed the date. It originally said 18th june. Im guessing they realised they wont be ready by then.
Immortalius Lvl 215+ Warrior
Vyper Lvl 196 Ranger


Re: Summer event

Lol admin changed the date. It originally said 18th june. Im guessing they realised they wont be ready by then.
He switched 8 and 1 giving us 81st.. June: Juvember
Sound a bit similar. Admin is a troll :lol: haha!

Re: Summer event

We're aiming for 18th June to launch the event.
Can we have some purchasable misc slot items? There are currently none.
Best suggestion in a LONG time.
+1 but dont forget silver/golden shrink/growth -_-
World- Mabon
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
"Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead."
"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom, come."

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