Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Server Wide AUCTION HOUSE already has 1100 members!

To the people claiming it is useless, let me say this:

You are not unlike an amoeba....

....floating freely....

....ingesting whenever you encounter sustenance....

....and most importantly....

....you are utterly spineless.

Give the app/auction a chance.

I will point out that I have not downloaded the app as of yet. I am merely pointing out that it potentially can be a valid platform in the interim (until auction house is launched).
Lol and you didn't even post on it. Not only did I give it a chance for weeks on end I posted on it and sent a lot of helpful advice. 15% of all my forum posts were trying to provide helpful advice.

It's useless on my server - comPletely useless. No one will use it. At the current adoption rate I've a better chance at selling on the server auction house to be released in one year.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Server Wide AUCTION HOUSE already has 1100 members!

Ya I see your guy's point. As a global admin I see the activity of all the worlds.

Rhiahhnon and belenus are very active thanks to only a few people. On Rhia infinity promoted auctionhouse a lot and now they have like 200 active members and hundreds of posts a day. Belenus me and Alishia promoted it and we have like 150 with dozens of posts a day.

Promote it a bit in your world and it will take off. With notifications and true mobile charecter, it truly is a better method than the forums.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

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Re: Server Wide AUCTION HOUSE already has 1100 members!

Hey friends and foes!

I just wanted to say thank you to each and everyone of you all for posting and giving feedback.I can completely understand where most of you all are coming from and personally I wouldn't be all that excited to Join an Auction House that nobody posted on.
Before I ever started the AH I thought to myself... Is this really even needed? Dont people just use the Forums to buy and sell stuff? No actually they don't. Yes you will see a few posts here and there, but it wasn't actually an auction house.. It's a forum.
And if they wanted to make an auction house on the forum they would have created a new segment and given us an online forum that we could use.
It would actually have been very wise of them to do this.

But even if they did that... I would still have the more dominant AH.
You know why?
It's because Groupie is actually an Application that you download off of the app store.
It's NOT run off of the internet soley. The Groupie app has a website AND the App.
The Groupie app allows you to QUICKLY open the app, find your world, and scroll through all the posted items.

What does the Auction House do for you?
- Notifications!!! (this allows you to INSTANTLY KNOW when someone is interested in your item)
(notification are the best things that has ever happened to me on this game... )
- Thousands of in game pictures to look at items you may have never seen before.
- Thousands of items for sale over the duration of every week.
- Learn How much items are going for on other worlds! Become an expert CH economist!
- Learn about outrageous stuff that people do (like abroood who bought 50million gold over night)
- EASILY Buy and Sell items without wasting your time in game.
- Post an item and go to work and by the time you get off you will probably have a few interested people.

Without YOUR help. Yes I'm talking to YOU... The person reading this right now... If YOU don't go download the AH and start posting items then your world will never amount to what it could be. YOUR WORLD depends on you and they don't even know it!
Comon superman... Help me save your world!

Seriously I want you guys to go join atleast 4 of the worlds.
Join Rhiannon, Belenus, Crom, Arawn
After you join these worlds you will see what potential your world has.
Rhiannon gets something new posted EVERY 5 MINUTES!
Rhiannon has over 200 members and has helped HUNDREDS of people find the item they are looking for.

Rhiannon should be the type of world that you guys strive to make your world like.
We have SO MUCH going on in Rhiannon!

I don't care if you don't want to be a part of the AH but I will tell you that your missing out.


Re: Server Wide AUCTION HOUSE already has 1100 members!


Lol and you didn't even post on it. Not only did I give it a chance for weeks on end I posted on it and sent a lot of helpful advice. 15% of all my forum posts were trying to provide helpful advice.

It's useless on my server - comPletely useless. No one will use it. At the current adoption rate I've a better chance at selling on the server auction house to be released in one year.

I only found out about it yesterday when Infinity spammed the boards. ;)

I think it has potential, but like Marco pointed out, it needs some word of mouth.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

Re: Server Wide AUCTION HOUSE already has 1100 members!


Lol and you didn't even post on it. Not only did I give it a chance for weeks on end I posted on it and sent a lot of helpful advice. 15% of all my forum posts were trying to provide helpful advice.

It's useless on my server - comPletely useless. No one will use it. At the current adoption rate I've a better chance at selling on the server auction house to be released in one year.

I only found out about it yesterday when Infinity spammed the boards. ;)

I think it has potential, but like Marco pointed out, it needs some word of mouth.

I spent about 30 minutes in every worlds promoting the first day it came out and then every day for about a week for 1 hour on the world rhiannon.
Just think how many more people we could get if 5 people from every world realllly did everything they could for a week to get people to join the AH... and all they would have to do is promote it to all their friends and clan members... it would take off REALLY FAST!

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