Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Admin plz read: about Hrungnir

Admin, my clan is planning a raid on Hrungnir. However, before we do so, can you confirm that it has drops? I understand in beta, there was no drop from it yet. We do not want to waste our time, efforts and idols on it only to find that it has no drops yet upon kill like what happened when Aggy first appeared. Thank you.

Re: Admin plz read: about Hrungnir

Best to hold off just now as we are going to be updating the loot tables and encounter area difficulty for Hrungnir as soon as possible after the event launches.

There are new bosses coming next week for the event so if you want a new challenge those are going to be best targets for the very short term.

Re: Admin plz read: about Hrungnir

Best to hold off just now as we are going to be updating the loot tables and encounter area difficulty for Hrungnir as soon as possible after the event launches.

There are new bosses coming next week for the event so if you want a new challenge those are going to be best targets for the very short term.

On that note , is it possible we can get something of value for the teeth of aggrogoth that we have ? Those early Aggy fights for most clans were a huge accomplishment , also they were probably the most expensive , it would be nice if you would allow us to trade the Aggy teeth for an actual item . This is a minor issue but has been seemingly ignored , when many clans started doing Aggy , a long time after he was in the game otm had not created loot , why not rectify this now , it is definitely the case that we deserved some type of useable drop.

Please allow the Aggy teeth to be traded to support for an Aggy item .

And thanks smelly for asking this question , great thread.
Clan Avalon


Re: Admin plz read: about Hrungnir

I think those teeth should be able to be exchanged for a random piece of top tier aggy loot. If OTM does do this and a clan has dropped the teeth, ask support to restore them.
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