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truly h2h

ik that this might be better in mage topic, but I want to find other opinions as well... :D

First of all i'm a mage, lvl 72, in Epona. name is Holl and im a h2h fire mage. ive been training with my buddy omegarouge, also lvl 72, at the patchwatcher guys in front of pit and druids, wisps and UNIcorns, and I see that he often gets the kills (70-80% of the time) with his double strike, sneaky, etc. he has a golden venom dagger, flint dagger, and 6 heat dmg brace, no dps gear as far as I know.

my stats:
5 strength, 30 dex, 230 focus, and 115 vit. any changes to be made?
my skills:
19/20 bolt, 18/20 cloak, 13/20 lure, 8/20 eshield, 6/20 boost, 13/20 bandage

I have a golden fire, 20 heat dmg greater solstice pants, 7 cold dmg brace, golden blade of fire and heroic speed gloves. I usually start out with a 13/20 lure and than a quick 19/20 firebolt (200-430) and than go auto for a while with my eshield(8/20) and cloak(18/20 about 40-70 dmg). doing about 100-150 dmg with my auto. I would think that this would out dps a rougue... but apparently not :/

one time I decided to cast my shield, cloak and lure and than go full auto, and I actually got the kill. So I think that my firebolt is lowering my dps O_O now what I thought was to make a REAL h2h mage... here I go!

NEW stats:
70 dex (because I don't want miss :P), 5 strength, about 150ish focus, about 150ish vit.
NEW skills:
max eshield, max cloak, probs 13/20 lure cause im doing good, and rest into bandage and boost.

how does this build sound? A true h2h mage doesn't really exist YET, but Im willing to give it a shot if I seems to out dps my current build :D
thx for reading and be sure to comment!!!! (down below):)

Re: truly h2h

You will find there are far more effective mage builds to be used.
The lux you get when you are higher dramatically increases focus making your spells much more powerful!
Ranger ~TeslaStrike~ Lv191+
Rogue ~HyperStrike~ Lv177+
~Proud to be a part of Avalon~

Re: truly h2h

No tesla, look at my wiki for focus equations. His golden fire blade is an excellent choice especially at his level.

Rogues skills are just much more powerful.

However to have a shot try this:

Trade cloak for firestorm
Lower lure to 8-10.
remove all dex.
always have bolt maxed.
try to buy fire attune.

besides that your looking pretty good. If that rogue is using riposte too you have no chance.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

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Re: truly h2h

No tesla, look at my wiki for focus equations. His golden fire blade is an excellent choice especially at his level.

Rogues skills are just much more powerful.

However to have a shot try this:

Trade cloak for firestorm
Lower lure to 8-10.
remove all dex.
always have bolt maxed.
try to buy fire attune.

besides that your looking pretty good. If that rogue is using riposte too you have no chance.
oh alright! glad to hear that.
I don't know about firestorm because I kill pretty fast with my current build and DOT skills don't do much for me, fire attune is a good choice though... althought im not sure how much dmg it adds.
I think ill keep my dex though, because before I was missing 30% of my auto, but now only like 5-10%.

yea the rogue has riposte xD im good now however... my cloak is doing 80-110 dmg on pirates and my firebolt over 400 ^_^

Re: truly h2h

Actually the h2h build although it needs alot of work is pretty amazing
The only problem I see is to be effective you need hastes and lots of pots. But mages h2h build is pretty bad ass. You have to max out h2h as well. But as far as mages go the most effective Mage build out there is a lure Mage. You can try to disagree but against bosses nothing can compete

Re: truly h2h

Hth mages aren't good without good gear dmg gear. At lvl 72 not a whole lot of that is available so the rogue should naturally outdps u
The greatest warrior to ever grace Arawn ;)
Brother to Jcbeast

Re: truly h2h

Cloak was nerfed a lot so firestorm is definatly better dps. and with fire attune, you boost the effectiveness of the firestorm/bolt combo.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

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