by Solid
Poison weapon- add poison dmg to weap.
Fast reflex- add defence, increase chance to dodge.
Quick strike- dmg.
Rend- dmg + short damage over time (DoT).
Sneaky attack- use when you don't have the mob's aggro, lots of dmg.
Assassinate - use when mob is 30% health or lower, lots of dmg.
Life steal - dmg and heal yourself via amount of dmg done.
Hide - hide from mobs, like a short term invisible potion, mobs x level below you can't see you, increase skill to increase x, enter combat cancels it.
Play Dead - pretend you're dead, mobs x level below you will assume you're dead, increase skill to increase x, when ur under the effect you have 0 armor.
Distract - transfer aggro to other player when you have it.
Shadow strike - teleport to mob and dmg.
Expose weakness - decrease mob's skill evasions.
Smoke bomb - decrease mob's defence, increase chance to hit.
*exhale, inhale* Think that sums it up.
Last edited by
Solid on Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.