Re: Drogonlord Boss Policies
#11Well done akbar thx for spending the time to write that all out. And good luck everyone.
Well I'm sorry you feel you need to drop out but let me ask you. Does anyone have a alt of the same class and actively play both at bosses? No, so how would they roll multiple times for a single drop? They only get 1 drop no matter how many alts they bring. If I rolled on Venus and got a green drop then I'm not rolling for any purple or green for the rest of the fight, no different from aggy no? You got a drop, you're done with dicing that fight.Well again it seems that the boss fights mess up the gameplay. I guess I will forego the boss fights as to me its no worth it if everyone brings alts and dices 2,3,4 times for one fight.
Yes my rogue that uses 2x+ idols than my druid is too low to fight bosses. Druid rarely uses idols, rogue on the other hand gets killed easy by adds and aoes.Btw, if your losing that much, probably a good bet your toon is to low for the fight.
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