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Refund Focus of the Seer?

I bought focus on the seer, based on the fact that it gave hp regen as well as energy. Now that they removed the hp regen, why can't I get a refund? I no longer have the item I payed for, but a much weaker one. If the glitched +10 bracelets are not fixed, then why was the off-hand fixed? Answers please.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Refund Focus of the Seer?

Because if you might recall the terms of service, they explicitly say you promise not to exploit glitches, meaning if you say that you bought something because it's glitched, it's not going to endear you to to otm lol. Face facts, it's a glitch, and you all are bound by contract not to intentionally exploit them. Regardless, it's also just an item, so they might refund if they decide yet again not to do anything about people who break t&c's (which they probably will.)


Re: Refund Focus of the Seer?

I did send support ticket and they refused to refund. Do the developers scissors paper rock over which item isnt change or something? If life blades and invigoration bracelets arent changed, least you can do is give a refund if you decide to change the item this time..
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Refund Focus of the Seer?

I did send support ticket and they refused to refund. Do the developers scissors paper rock over which item isnt change or something? If life blades and invigoration bracelets arent changed, least you can do is give a refund if you decide to change the item this time..
You don't get it do you? You KNEW the extra regen was a glitch. You didn't say a word, but someone else did. Its a different situation. The focus had a free 100k worth of regen. Did the invig? No. Did the life blade have a all-powerful glitch you kept secret? No.
World- Sulis
FrostKnight- LVL 222 Ranger
FrostDagger- LVL 198 Rogue
Sancus- LVL 197 Mage

Re: Refund Focus of the Seer?

I think you've been going a bit over the top, Frost.

To be fair, there was no way to really know what was bugged with the item.

It could have been any of the following:

1. It incorrectly had regen in its coding.
2. The description was inaccurate. (it was meant to have both, but didn't state it).
3. The description and price were inaccurate. (it was meant to have both, and was meant to be more expensive).

Since it has been changed, we can see that the it was number 1, in that it was coded differently than how the Devs envisioned it when they planned it.

But there was no way to know that before. We have examples of situations two and three to some degree... There are several examples of two handed weapons that incorrectly stated they were one handed, and prices have been out of whack before (though to my knowledge, it was always the opposite, ie. they lowered the price of an item and allowed people to get a rebate).

I don't think this was exploiting a glitch, per se., simply because there was no way to know what was glitched. It could have been a situation where the price was out of line with other regen, making it a bargain. I do think that people should get their money back, and the 12 day window should be relaxed.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

Re: Refund Focus of the Seer?

I did send support ticket and they refused to refund. Do the developers scissors paper rock over which item isnt change or something? If life blades and invigoration bracelets arent changed, least you can do is give a refund if you decide to change the item this time..
You don't get it do you? You KNEW the extra regen was a glitch. You didn't say a word, but someone else did. Its a different situation. The focus had a free 100k worth of regen. Did the invig? No. Did the life blade have a all-powerful glitch you kept secret? No.
It's almost like you know me, since you're so sure that I didn't say a word. You've never met me, so keep personal attacks to yourself. You are being ignorant if you're going to say that since invigoration bracelets gave less of a glitch boost, it's totally okay. A glitch is a glitch, if the off-hand suddenly gave 1 less focus, I would still want a refund. It's the principle that I didn't get what I paid for, not how big or small the exploit was.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

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