Since you just recommended maxing bandage wounds and recuperate to a mage build, I'm going to assume at this point you're a troll.
Still waiting for an admin or such to answer the questions in the OP.
Admin won't. I got a board warning because I said Community didn't care about it, or maybe because I said Frost is a noob (btw frost you didn't even answer back, are you really out of answers?). (cf: ... 3&start=20)
Before update 4, almost everything was fine. Now the staff has changed everything like druids' heals while in combat, useless rangers, aggro, mages skills, and maaaaaaany more. All are sneaky nerfs.
And then, they make patches to fix aggro, fix mages skills, but that's not even half of the game's NEW problems. People are happy "oh tyvm you fixed aggro" but that's stupid.
Bad english, but I guess you understand what I mean.
However, Admin if you read this, fix the invig bracelets or give back the health regen to the focus of seers that were already bought, there is no reason. I can understand for life blades and camo charms but not for this.