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Items Missing After Patch

I patched the game and logged onto my account a lvl 144 druid named DrPeppers on Rosmerta missing from that account is 100 elixers, heroic ammulrt of rejuvenation, golden blade of fire, golden dagger of venom, master grimiore, magestic broom (purple one 70% speed 30 rejuve 30 camo) and all my coin.

Please return these items I'm not the only one to lose items after patch.

I seam to have lost a lot more than others though and I'm on the verge of just quitting for good.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: Items Missing After Patch

To my knowledge they don't work weekends and I was waiting to see if anything happens or could be returned before the end of double plat otherwise I won't spend my money but I have made a ticket and I do hope they get back to me soon
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

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