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Re: Rogue stats! :D

Post em!
How is your focus 10 but 1046 cuz I don't see a boost...
Full frozen
Ah ok
Rogue - Bugs 221
Been a Celtic Heroes Shill since 2011 ._.
"There are so many bugs in this game that sometimes it feels like I’m playing Starship Troopers"

Re: Rogue stats! :D

Yes sorry this should be better..
Spend some money on lux (offhand, etc.) and level up. That is really what you should be doing. Also try getting some dmg gear (bracelets, rings etc.) 2 good pierce/slash/crush bracelets will really help that damage
Jawz || Lan || Spark

Re: Rogue stats! :D

I am full vit can't get picture now(servers down) but I got 6225 health and still out dps everyone lol!
Plz get a pic out asap i wanna see your statst and skills, wow though... Please tell what skills are maxed and what stats you have and what gear you use, thanks :D

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