Hey all,
i started playing on crom like 3 days ago, wanted to take a look on how the ppl play on other servers, how the clans work and all these things,..
i also started on crom so i can use it as a little break from rosmerta.
sad that i got told a liar today cause i said that my life steal skill on my rogue goes up to 1200 dmg/hp,.. but thats true:)
My characters in crom are called nimb11 and nimbi11 (im two boxing and always use both characters). They are actually lvle 70,-maybe u already saw me jumping around..
so i hope i dont get in troubles again cause somebody dont be leave me.
see ya all in game
(sorry for my bad english,..)
#1- Attachments
- lifesteal isnt a bad skill,..(=
- IMG_1236.PNG (272.5 KiB) Viewed 569 times
Some Celtic Heroes recordings: Nimbin Freebird Youtube
DMG over timel Calculator: Celtic-Calculator.jar
Release tester of Celtic Heroes
Some Celtic Heroes recordings: Nimbin Freebird Youtube
DMG over timel Calculator: Celtic-Calculator.jar
Release tester of Celtic Heroes