by IzzAllGood (;
i bought itunes and just went straight to ancient lemallar, then straight to diamond. if your looking into going staight to diamond save up ur money and DO not spend on anything and if u do make sure its a little. i only bought the dimond bp and pants cause i have heroic gloves and heroic boots plus a severity helm. ur other option would to be to buy itunes. u dont absolutly need too but it helps ALOT and i highly recommend it.
another way, which i found this easiest, was when i restarted on another account and made a ranger. i stuck with a shorline bow and crestseeker armor (quest bow and armor) until shalemont ravine. there, i earned a connacht bow from the connacht rangers. i then raised money for the anc lemmellar bp and pants, the hood and gloves and boots i found unneeded. buy off another player too, never buy from store. use that armor until level 60, then buy a quartz bp and pants. never get a full set of quartz its a waste, only the bp and pants is needed. after u get quartz, sell your anc lemmalar bp and pants for 15,000 gold and save up from there. when u hit level 80 buy diamond bp and pants off some one for 140,000 or 150,000 gold. sell ur quartz too (dont know how much u can sell for sorry, ask another player on ur server). you should have enough for diamond if u work hard for gold, follow these instructions, dont spend a single coin unless for armor and weapons (make sure u buy off another play its alot cheaper), and u sell ur armor right after getting a new set.
-IZZY! (;