Its not the first time it happend...
I would attempt to open a maclirs mystery chest, and before i could claim my reward i would logg out automaticly
When i logg back in there is no reward whatsoever and there is a chest less in my inventory
I would contact support for help, but i would get no response, this has happend like 3 times so far
What should I do?
Re: Getting really thirsty for OTM blood
#2You have to be patient, they have other people to help also you do not get a response instantly or maybe they are working on it. Like it takes a few days.
Last edited by I'mdead on Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Getting really thirsty for OTM blood
#3It's been happening before 10 days haha xD
Oh well probably wouldve gotten a wisdom lix anyways
Oh well probably wouldve gotten a wisdom lix anyways
Re: Getting really thirsty for OTM blood
#5Hi there, everything is fully logged and you won't have lost anything. Just make a support ticket if you haven't yet and your issue will be resolved.
Re: Getting really thirsty for OTM blood
#7Just to let uk u do get ur items the pop up that happens after u use the chest is only for show once u click use on the chest the items show up in ur bag if u used one lagged out and didnt notice ur reward its most likely u got an item u already had so it stacked or u got gold/plat so u didnt notice the winnings.
Re: Getting really thirsty for OTM blood
#8Be prepared to wait awhile for any help. I am still waiting for help on my Houdini plat (8k) and gold (~1 mil, closer to 1.2 but oh well) and it happened first day of double plat.
Enjoy the little things in life...
One day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.
One day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.