Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Lack of Black Remnants and Obsidian Tablets

Hey everyone, in Herne we have been killing a lot the bosses since patch as a clan and I am the designated rogue so all black remnants and obsidian tablets go to me and the rest to the other designated classes. I didn't want to post because I thought it was probably just my bad luck but to be honest it's getting quite ridiculous now. I havn't had a drop in around 10 boss kills and all I have upgraded are boots and gloves with many water tablet duplicates! Admin is this a bug or is one duplicate drop every 10 kills normal? Just wondering if other servers have upgraded any other parts like body and legs, please feel free to post pics of them too!

Name: SirSpunkalot
Server: Herne
Class: Rogue
Level: 222
Clan: Resurgence

Re: Lack of Black Remnants and Obsidian Tablets


We had plenty on lugh and an avalanche of ranger tablets... So got my alternative lazy ranger upgraded to pass the time.

Just need three minds to upgrade fully my warrior... But none has ever dropped on lugh.

I guess we just have to farm them. Some servers are more lucky than others, and sometimes you log and get three complete rounds of ph... Before ever get you hands on a boss... Sometimes i log and fight three boss in a row.

Cheers and good luck bro !
SHADOWKRAR : Warrior 182 Full Glacial
S007 : Rogue 182 Full Glacial / Full Radiant
SHADOWSNIPPER : Ranger 72 Full Meteroric
World : Lugh
Clan : Chieftain of BERSERKERS clan

Re: Lack of Black Remnants and Obsidian Tablets

Rhiannon seems to be fairly evenly distributed but more rangers and mages seem to be equiped with upgrades because there are less of that class on the server. Warriors seem to make up half the population so in turn the distribution of warrior drops gets spread thin. I wish there was a way for admin to control class drop percentages to be reflective of class percentage - especially class % of lvl 70+


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