#1So i cane from danu. And decided to join and play here in sulis. Well... 2days in im at lvl 35. This guy comes up while im training and trys to grp me. I reject it and he says. "Your gonna regret that." So im like watever i didnt do anything and he is a few lvls lower than me its not like he can do anything. So i continue. Well guess wat. He has a damn main account -.- his name is Cell2 or watever. A lvl 82 rogue pickin on my lil 35 warrior:( lol. Idrc much bout it. But can anybody give me some info on this guy? Is he a DB? Having a bad day? Like... I dont see y there is any reason to come and farm all my kills cuz i didnt grp him.
Danu-Ericosity13 lvl116 (retired)
Sulis- SkaterGirl lvl 124+
Sulis- SkaterGirl lvl 124+