by Aaragorn
I feel like the people commenting on this have no understanding on what my point is. Trust me if you have 5 druid with full calm spam casting on you, you will NOT, under any circumstances maintain aggro, it is simply not possible. And to the wise crack who said maybe we shouldn't die, please keep it to constructive comments and not just annoying banter because noone tries to die in the middle of a boss battle.
The simple point of the matter is, way too often target lock causes the group who did the least to help kill the boss to get the spoils. Do you honestly believe that someone who did 5% of the work deserves it over someone who did 95%? Unless you are someone who like stealing drops out from someone who worked for them, i think you will agree. In some cases target lock is right, i think lower levels deserve a chance to kill bosses, but when target lock begins to be used as a tactic to rob people of their drops it needs to be changed. Lower levels complained that some higher levels were hogging all the bosses (and id say at least 75% of lower levels still opt to just buy their quest items instead of work for them) and taking the drops they needed, and now that solution is causing the exact same thing to happen with a different set of people.
Was it right the right time? No. Is it still wrong the second time? Yes.
I really do not understand some people's urge to tip the odds forever in favor of the group doing less. In my experience it is the people who put in the effort that should receive the reward. Simple.
Enjoy the little things in life...
One day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.