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1 hand or 2 hand weapons?

Today I was wondering what would be better for a lvl 56 warrior, 1 or 2 hand weapons? I currently have Grimlings Mallet as my main but I'm going sell that soon. I currently have 60k and if or when I sell my mallet, what should I buy as a main and offhand or 2 hand?

Re: 1 hand or 2 hand weapons?

Lvl up to 60. There is no point in buying a weapon till then because you are so close. When you reach 60 sell your mallet and buy a quartz longblade (one-handed) for around 40k-ish dont pay more than 45k. Then use remaining money for a ammy or some armour. (Or just save it!) :D

Active on Balor

TheEnd & TheKnight

Re: 1 hand or 2 hand weapons?

Don't listen to them, I'm a high lvl :P use two handed weapons until you can afford an offhand. Use two handed and buy lux, offhand is last thing you should get unless it has regen
Assassinprime- lvl102 Ranger
Ravenwing-lvl68 Mage
Betaprime2-lvl68 Warrior
S0uth-lvl61 Rogue
AtlasPrime-lvl180+ warrior

Re: 1 hand or 2 hand weapons?

Don't listen to them, I'm a high lvl :P use two handed weapons until you can afford an offhand. Use two handed and buy lux, offhand is last thing you should get unless it has regen
im also pretty high get a one handed and a shield try getting the tower shield that adds to attack dropped from dc bosses. and also save your gold till 60 and byu the quartz or flint one handed longblade. the rest of your gold save for the vendor offhand or save for some nice regens.
Former lvl 148 warrior

miss all you gwydion civilians

Re: 1 hand or 2 hand weapons?

Im also a fairly high lv lol

I suggest you roll with 1 hand weapons-youve done a great job making money and saving, so it might not be tooo long until u can Afford a scavenger offhand(id roll with a brand or tower shield for the time being then buy a blade or trident off someone for 150-200k)-I would consider buying a bodkin off of someone if theyre selling it really cheap :) -it gives a fair bit of extra damage and regen.

I agree with Ally; get a quartz or flint sword and use your remaining cash for regen(regen=skill spam and less downtime. Skill spam and less downtime=Better damage and faster training.)

I dont have too much experience with two hand weps, but they could be a good alternative to one handed weps if paired with skills. Again, i suggest u invest in a nice one handed weapon and regen-later down the road you should look into getting an offhand.
Turnip Lv 130+ Main tank for clan Them
AsianRedneck Lv 90 poisoner rogue
UncleCliff Lv 53 Noob Druid :/
Zacarios Lv 62 Retired rougue from update 1

Re: 1 hand or 2 hand weapons?

i have always used one handed weaps, but from experiance, i can tell you a couple things.
at your lower lvls, you wont be doing alot of dmage, and the best path to take is one handed weap. at your lvls 120+, you can do major damage, and using two handed weaps can increse your regular dmage by 500 +. some of my friends have both a two handed hammer and their regulaer weaps,some only have two handed weaps, and some only use one handed. i would also get two handed, if i wasnt so lazy and against training blunt from 50 to 1200 :D
World- Mabon
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
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