I'm really not sure why people feel the need to put down our accomplishments on this boss. We achieved a lot getting him to this point, and now we have a strategy ready for him on day one when his skills are adjusted. My clan tried twice. The first time we did spend a lot of plat items, but the second time we spent maybe half as much, and it was much more organized.
Sorry if it seemed that way. To be fair, I don't think anyone has bashed your accomplishment; it is the cowboy attitude while disregarding reason in the face of a nearly guaranteed impossibility that is taking the flack. What you've learned is certainly valuable, but is it worth it? is the question some of us are asking.
Don't forget also, that while your clan may have attempted him for the purpose of testing, the OP of this thread is very clearly complaining about the boss, and whining about it being a waste of plat. That clan is what most people are laughing at.
The boss will be changed. It is entirely possible that certain strategies that you develop will become moot, and therefore can be considered a waste of time and effort. When the boss is finalized, you will probably also have competition.
But the whole experiment is a little like trying to figure out the killer in a half-finished mystery novel draft. There is no way to reach the conclusion, and maybe the author himself hasn't even decided "who done it."
In my opinion, the people bashing us for trying aren't in a clan that is strong enough to even be in a position to think about trying Hrungnir, let alone take him down to his last 1/4 of life. If this is you, don't worry... we will post screenshots of the drops for you.
Well I'm not going to re-read the thread to take note of clans and players, but from memory there are people from Avalon and Infection questioning the judgement of trying this boss. Both these clans are top notch on their servers.
To be frank, I would argue that you aren't in a clan strong enough to be in a position to think about trying him either, simply because he is coded to be next to impossible, so I'll take the insult with a grain.
Regardless, the other important aspect of this is akin to "lost opportunity risk" in economics. How many other bosses were Ukosci (spelling?) able to take in the 4 or 5 hours you spent attacking Hrung? This is a major consideration on my clan's plate, as the next best clan is capable of taking any boss if left to their own devices. We would never give them 2 hours of freedom to take everything else that spawns.
Personally, I think the time would be better spent fighting event and armour bosses, or being available for when they pop.
In closing, however, I do say congrats on getting it as low as you got it, and being as persistent as you were. You are probably right when you say that you can hit the ground running when it is finalized if not much is changed. In a way, we should probably all thank the clans that tried this, as they confirmed for the rest of us that it is probably best to heed Admin's advice and wait.