i personally like my dps build i train faster then the average hybrid/tank warrior i could care less of pvp as ik many lower levels warriors who beat me do to them having over the top health. i currently stand at 2.2k hp with full frost and do 1.2k dmg at the same time solo lvling is a pain since you need restos to keep you alive if you cant buy restos train with druids or another dps class to kill things faster. i personally lvled very quickly after i came back from a break 116-147 in 8 days tops with no real good lux just a crappy golden dagger of venom that went with my nice aggy trident.
as others said we are not a gimped class even at lower lvls with no regen it was easy again from my experience.
Re: I Got A Feeling We Are A Gimped Class....
#31Former lvl 148 warrior
miss all you gwydion civilians
miss all you gwydion civilians