For those that are interested here is the primary difference between Retribution and Overthrow (The Clan Formerly SulisLegends, yea they fight so much internally they had to start over).
A few people with several toons each
Known for scamming (including each other)
Kicked out of Retribution or declined in the first place due to ethics
Believe strongest players get drops further driving a divide between strong players and weak players
Dont let outside clans group because their greedy
Large group of people
Family clan - people actually like and trust each other
Fair system for drops (DKP for loot bosses and participation based system for quest drops)
Don't let outside clans group on bosses because other clans keep drops
So before you go and get riotous the fact is, if you were on top of Sulis Overthrow would have the top loot on a few players and you would go to greater lenghts to prevent anyone from having the loot.
I agree, I am not sure who you are trying to appeal too with this post, but the facts are the facts.
Oh please, the most recent scamming on Sulis that I know of was a Ret scamming a Ret...
We don't group people because we're greedy, and Ret don't because everyone else is? Makes sense.
None of us have EVER been kicked out of Retribution. None of us would join due to differences in ideology. Eg. We won't prevent other people from progressing
DKP is more fair than hard work meaning reward? So you're telling me the people who work the hardest getting the drops first is bad? And yet the rifts in your clan makes a level 170 get full dragon before level 190.
Apparently I scam everyone, and that means everyone, which is very believable.
So, what you've said is complete BS.
Have a good day.
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”