Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Focus, unneeded?

FIrst off you guys have much more interesting conversations then Rogues... Not a Druid myself so i have no experience on the higher levels but i have a few ideas that may be nice.

I know Resurrection has been talked about a lot but may be nice for a Druid to have. You wouldn't be able to cast it on yourself if your dead for obvious reasons (Your dead) but on other people you could. It would need to use a insane amount of energy and would give a reason to add focus to your stats again. I doubt it would be much with meteoric but it could be 50 when its at level 1 and go up 10 every level. At 15 it would use 125 but it it also added extra health and energy it would make it worth it. Cool down would need to be long so you don't go reviving afkers and would use it only if your tank died on a boss or if the leystone is far away.

Ok so maybe another thing you could do for a skill is a type of earthquake? It could open a crack in the ground and cause the mob to fall down and take a few seconds to get back up which gives you a period of time to heal your tank or yourself. It would have to be for about 3-5 seconds and as you upgraded you could cast on higher levelled mobs. It doesn't do damage but would help you out when doing a boss or if you panic.

Last one is a damage one. So you have a lightning strike that does a bit over a hundred depending on the mob and yourself. Maybe a lightning storm could be cast above the mob and stay for about 20 seconds but zap your enemy for damage? It could be random and increase the amount of strikes and damage as you levelled. At 1 it could do maybe 5 strikes and do about 10 damage each. At 15 it could do maybe 20 strikes and do 50 damage each.

Again the cool down and energy cost would have to be somewhat high just to keep things balanced but for all the people who don't wanna be Druids because of it being hard to level you could have some pretty sweet skills that would be amazing in PvP. If you did earthquake to make your opponent fall down then cast roots on him to stop moving and follow up with lightning storm you could be amazing! Anyway just some ideas. If you don't like em I'm sorry but thats the best i could think of in a 20 min time span. If they did implement this I'm sure all the other classes would be jealous and I'm pretty confident when i say that because I'm a Rogue and i would give up damage to be able to cast those 2 skills... So ya.
World: Morrigan
Clan: Avalon
Name: DeathsShadow
Level: 87
Class: Rogue
Longest playing Rogue in Morrigan...

Re: Focus, unneeded?

:shock: :shock: :shock:
1. Druids are well underpowered when it comes to damage making them utterly useless when it comes to a clan boss battle especialy with the new patch. Our heals arnt quick enough making t harder to keep the tank alive and the cooldown for our heals is quite long.
How does your ability to do damage correlate in any way, shape, or fashion, to your ability to heal? Please answer me this one at least lol. Utterly useless? What, do you have 1/15 Heal spells skills? lol

Assuming you played OnC the whole time between my post and yours Nodnarb, you have suddenly become an expert on OnC monks in... 3 hours? You stated you had a low level monk there. I can't imagine you've seen the lifespan of a monk in that timeframe.

I have a lvl 60ish druid in CH; doesn't make me a super expert in the class, but I have played it enough to understand the basic principles, how the combat works, and participate in "endgame" bosses. What I've found through experience is this:

My ability to heal for larger amounts depends on the skill points in that heal spell and my Nature Magic Skill ability, the latter seeming to have the larger effect.

At Nature Magic 50 with a 15/15 Heal Spell, I was healing for 65ish.
At Nature Magic 350 with a 15/15 Heal Spell, I was healing for 250ish.

No change in Strength.

Admin is working to give Druids more heal spell options as well as increasing the group sizes for boss fights, so why are you pushing for more damage? It sounds like you want to be a caster version of a ranger, but with better heals. You wanna be in the top level ranks and be able to smite anything quickly, but you also want to main heal through boss fights. Deal with the fact that you chose a healing class; levels slower, kills slower, survives longer, in more demand for grouping, can see content at lower levels than other classes. You think a lvl 60 warr is gonna tank a red boss? Yet I'm sure you could heal a group at that point.

Point being, make educated suggestions for the betterment of the game, not so you can have an iWin button.

I don't play my druid as much, but I have noticed one thing that may need to be fixed with druids;


It may be that way so Root is required, but I find if I need to heal mid battle or even recast vines, you get interrupted close to 50% of the time if not more.
-------ALDHELM -------- lvl 95 Rogue ------- God of Damage ------- Crom ------- AZURA ------- lvl 61 Druid ------- Noob Heals ------- Tanaris -------

Re: Focus, unneeded?


No i havefull heals i am all healing except for vines and lightning strike. But you dont play a druid when an aposing clan comes out of no where and you have 2-3 druids in your group and dps outside of group you would immiediatly ask the druids to drop to combine the most hp. You guys are making like im walking arround asking for a skill that hits over 400 each time. Ive already stated that i would be happy with quicker cooldown and fast casting on my healing spells. But if youwere to ask the populous they would want more damage.

Nature doesnt consist of just lightning and vines there are more things that can be added to nature skills for damage wise not huge damage dealers but enough to balance nature consists of water and earth and fire and many more things. I know that these things are being implimented into the future but everytime i say something about damage you seam to refer me to wanting to be a melee damage dealer. Yes being a high lvl druid is very rewarding i can do things others cant because of my class build I'm not asking to be able to do everything every clas can just to be able to have a fighting chance to keep my kills when someone feels the need to pick on an easy target. On that note its hard enough as it is lvl a druid then we have literally every other class able to 1-2 shot mobs weve been buffing for. Now the new patch has made it to where if that person dies trying to take your kill and they done a significant ammount of damage then they can just ley there dead or if they manage to make it back to target they get the kill.

@The guy who mentioned somehing about lightning storm

That is the name of the skill that higher end bosses have. I would love that skill it hits over 1200 :) but if you think terms of pvp roots becomes useless cause soon everyone will be above lvl 90 and thats the current root limit. My personal opinion is roots shouldnt have a lvl limit every point put into roots should increase the length of time it lasts and the distance you can cast it from, or just the distance. The earth quake idea is a bit over the top im sorry but if you are creating a masive crack in the earth stoping the enemy from moving whats stoping from casting ranged skills and ow does something like that not cause damage if you created a crack in the earth an i fell in it id be out for the count. The that lightning storm where it casts so many if something like that was implemented it should have a set range that if you move it becomes interupted but used well could be usefull.

@Tea i didnt even read your post didnt want to read theres and was read out for the day ill go back and read it.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: Focus, unneeded?

Some good points, all around.

Don't worry Nodnarb, it was a long post and had a lot to do with OnC, so it's not super important.

My overall point right now is I think we owe it to the game to table these discussions till we see update 3. Because the admin and the beta testers will be the real balancers of the class v class issue.

In OnC, (a clever way to balance) Classes are like Rock, Paper, Scissor where a Warrior can crush a Sin, a Sin can crush a Mage and a Mage can crush a Monk. Etc etc etc. Then real pvp skills come from the players using Classes that are good enough to beat the classes that normally pwn them.

To me, this is natural, and I expect people in beta and people in to get very angry that a rogue can't beat a Druid( roots/wind), or a Druid can't beat a Mage(fire shield combined with Mage Melee to interupt Druid leaving Druid to turn auto attack off and spam heals), but I hope everyone then embraces that PvP is always supposedly to be really exemplified in a Group v Group game. I think the Arena and how that is handled in groups working together with a variety of classes vs a variety of classes will be most telling.

It will prove the interdependency of the classes in how they work together, and I'm hoping it will be a fantastic new nuance to the game.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Focus, unneeded?

Not a fan of the RoShamBo pvp system, I prefer twitch pvp in which whoever commands the keys the best can win, not based on class v class.

I agree about pvp being centered around group fights Teaweasel. Your post is well written and tactful.

We shall see how Beta pans out.

Just gotta be vocal for my class and the game as a whole. I sat around and watched the Rift game forums and the QQers always got their visions byway of being the most vocal. Sometimes being silent is not always best for the silent majority. Forums rarely show you the true picture of the ingame environment; macro or micro.
-------ALDHELM -------- lvl 95 Rogue ------- God of Damage ------- Crom ------- AZURA ------- lvl 61 Druid ------- Noob Heals ------- Tanaris -------

Re: Focus, unneeded?


No i havefull heals i am all healing except for vines and lightning strike. But you dont play a druid when an aposing clan comes out of no where and you have 2-3 druids in your group and dps outside of group you would immiediatly ask the druids to drop to combine the most hp. You guys are making like im walking arround asking for a skill that hits over 400 each time. Ive already stated that i would be happy with quicker cooldown and fast casting on my healing spells. But if youwere to ask the populous they would want more damage.

Nature doesnt consist of just lightning and vines there are more things that can be added to nature skills for damage wise not huge damage dealers but enough to balance nature consists of water and earth and fire and many more things. I know that these things are being implimented into the future but everytime i say something about damage you seam to refer me to wanting to be a melee damage dealer. Yes being a high lvl druid is very rewarding i can do things others cant because of my class build I'm not asking to be able to do everything every clas can just to be able to have a fighting chance to keep my kills when someone feels the need to pick on an easy target. On that note its hard enough as it is lvl a druid then we have literally every other class able to 1-2 shot mobs weve been buffing for. Now the new patch has made it to where if that person dies trying to take your kill and they done a significant ammount of damage then they can just ley there dead or if they manage to make it back to target they get the kill.

@The guy who mentioned somehing about lightning storm

That is the name of the skill that higher end bosses have. I would love that skill it hits over 1200 :) but if you think terms of pvp roots becomes useless cause soon everyone will be above lvl 90 and thats the current root limit. My personal opinion is roots shouldnt have a lvl limit every point put into roots should increase the length of time it lasts and the distance you can cast it from, or just the distance. The earth quake idea is a bit over the top im sorry but if you are creating a masive crack in the earth stoping the enemy from moving whats stoping from casting ranged skills and ow does something like that not cause damage if you created a crack in the earth an i fell in it id be out for the count. The that lightning storm where it casts so many if something like that was implemented it should have a set range that if you move it becomes interupted but used well could be usefull.


Im not the most exsperienced monk (Sorry bad spelling) but from what i gathered with the few lvls i got to try new skills and and the 10g i spent to switch it up divine is by far the best choice to for that class to increase survivability but when you lvl them up decently they have the perfect ammount of damage to be happy with being weaker than others they also have fast cast and cooldowns that help to. but I mainly play a mage and i went all fire and lightning with him boy do i deal damage andthats how t should be with mages alotof damage ive also played a worrior and went with damage i like the fact that they need to be taking damage to have whatever thier thing is go up to cast thier skills especially since you need some of your powerful attacks. Something like that would give worriors more of an insentive to taunt so they could use thier skills other whys they just need to melee or atleast thats what i noticed with my low lvl. Now my friend plays a ranger and says it is absolutely awesome everything and everyone is dead before they reach her well except me of course i just teleport with lightning nock her over hit with fire ball while she is dazed and then use wind and the battle is over. But so far all the classes i played are well balanced and theres no argueing with that and im sure you can agree. As stated though pretty soon the average player lvl will be 90+ making roots an obsolete skill. Yes beta will determine what skills should and shuldt be allowed in pvp and what not ive played pvp all my life and find the setup such as WoW or OnC to be a good setup but your absolutely right its all in how a person uses his class but with the current skills, witch is why we need to wait to see what beta offers, there isnt really a pvp build for your character there at this point is only the group build and i think a group pvp is oe of the best things cause itincreases your chances of haveing an awesome k/d (kill to death ratio) as with a well formed group much like a boss fight you would set in stone.

I am just stating here that i do no nesicarily want more damage maybe a more variety of skills that deal damage that way druids could have a choice to be a ok dps class or a full on healer. Having choices in a class build is what helps in the choseing of what class some people want to be. I would much rather have quicker casts and cooldowns with my heals. But thats not saying i wouldnt enjoy more damage i would love to be able totake down some mobs just a bit fast it would help with elixer training. If my argument were to go into the lvling process it would be that all other classes only lvl quicker cause they can drop a mob in the fraction of the time it takes us. Alot of this is being addressed i just thought i would clear some things up you guys are making it like i want to do as much damage as a rogue when ive stated in other poss including this one that i would much prefer faster cooldown and casting rates on my healling spell.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: Focus, unneeded?

I hear you. This is all good stuff to lay out from the Community, I mean we all have different expectations for how our classes will perform or how they should perform. And sometimes we are dead on and sometimes we are naive. But putting it out there let's others chime in and create a more fleshed out ideal. Which is the overall point of foruming in the first place. So the confrontations and varied agreements in these threads are awesome.

The raw potential of all these classes is really untapped right now, but something in One Thumb's corner and quite important is that most of their skills, and areas are not bugged. Whereas in OnC there are still so many bugs and unintentional glitches to gameplay that oftentimes you know that there's a high percentage chance that your opponent will suffer a "out of range" bug, it's cheap, but you operate in the mechanics of any game.

Obviously PvP in Celtic Heroes is gonna be a mess if they dont fix the "Dropped Target Bug" whenever something dies, because in an arena you shouldn't lose your target whenever anyone dies, people are gonna be dropping like flies if yer doing things correctly, and each time will make you lose target :mrgreen: that just sounds awful.

But for the most part their game and their classes run as intended. So looking forward to the possible opportunity to test it or if not myself get good active players test it and make it worthwhile.

As to Druid lvling issues, like slow slow slow lvling, I personally enjoy that because it makes me feel special. Sure some people use exp pots, but I have spent like 5 I think in my career and I just appreciate lvling up a Druid knowing how hard it is. There's a reason that 25% of the game are warriors, and yeah the Druid exp hounds have it rough, but it makes the people who do it thru their 80's and beyond all be filled with tremendous temerity. And I think that's respectable.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Focus, unneeded?

I hear you. This is all good stuff to lay out from the Community, I mean we all have different expectations for how our classes will perform or how they should perform. And sometimes we are dead on and sometimes we are naive. But putting it out there let's others chime in and create a more fleshed out ideal. Which is the overall point of foruming in the first place. So the confrontations and varied agreements in these threads are awesome.

The raw potential of all these classes is really untapped right now, but something in One Thumb's corner and quite important is that most of their skills, and areas are not bugged. Whereas in OnC there are still so many bugs and unintentional glitches to gameplay that oftentimes you know that there's a high percentage chance that your opponent will suffer a "out of range" bug, it's cheap, but you operate in the mechanics of any game.

Obviously PvP in Celtic Heroes is gonna be a mess if they dont fix the "Dropped Target Bug" whenever something dies, because in an arena you shouldn't lose your target whenever anyone dies, people are gonna be dropping like flies if yer doing things correctly, and each time will make you lose target :mrgreen: that just sounds awful.

But for the most part their game and their classes run as intended. So looking forward to the possible opportunity to test it or if not myself get good active players test it and make it worthwhile.

As to Druid lvling issues, like slow slow slow lvling, I personally enjoy that because it makes me feel special. Sure some people use exp pots, but I have spent like 5 I think in my career and I just appreciate lvling up a Druid knowing how hard it is. There's a reason that 25% of the game are warriors, and yeah the Druid exp hounds have it rough, but it makes the people who do it thru their 80's and beyond all be filled with tremendous temerity. And I think that's respectable.
I think the problem with OnC is that they came into the game with a huge ammount of money to waiste and have to much content to fix all at once. Unlike CH where they started out with small areas and have worked there way up with more areas being able to fix anybug that may present itself quickly. And lvling in my world is quite close to impossible for a druid anymore unless you are two boxing. So much comeptition i never see a rare mob so i really souly on bosses and high lvl ph for my xp but now that i switched o full heal i can no longer solo these as i cant root enemys anymore. Like i stated before i feel roots shouldnt have a lvl restriction just a time or distance limit that increase as you put points into it as a druid tell me you wouldnt use that skill more often if it was set up like that.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: Focus, unneeded?

I hear you brother. It's a good point, but I think the roots having a lvl limit is pretty important in balancing the class. Especially as a low lvl Druid, if any Druid could root someone even for 5 sec at lvl 1 that would be big boon if their other abilities were then max'd or high.

Maybe something in the middle. Like 1 point (added) gives you 10 lvls and the next point (alternating) gives you length of time and perhaps lowers resistance to Nature Magic, so you could put 8 points in and thus root up to lvl 65 using only 8 points. But have those roots hold long and have your vines and lightning hit for more.

My point is, you could make a skill that using less points could still be viable since newer skills are coming out that we will want to respec into. But a debuff to nature Resistance could be a interesting way to raise dps with an already used spell, and also roots can be resisted, so a good rogue could use a magic resist helm when facing these Druids. And have a shot.

And yes I think your points about the difference between OnC and CH are dead on.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Focus, unneeded?

I just think that roots will be what we base our pvp class build on so it would need new lvl system nstead of 5 lvls every point maybe 8 that would make the max root 120. If not alot of players are gunna make a mage or ranger for pvp.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

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