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Re: Question About Taranis

An update to godzilla's post, AnteBellum is another top clan who just killed agg for the first time yesterday so there are 4 top clans in Taranis now :D
This is completely debatable. First off, antebellum has started to fall and lose a lot of stronger members lately. Next, antebellum as a whole clan didnt kill aggy. Only 4-5 people from antebellum were there to kill aggy. The rest were from a variety of clans

try knowing hwat you talk of before posting. Ante DID kill aggy solo clan before some idiots decided to ruin our second try by inviting half the world instead of waiting for leadership to login and organize a second kill.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. Your Clan alone wouldn't have been able to solo aggy as to the recent large number of people leaving.
+!, we killed first agg with NO OUTsIDE HELP. Everything turned to dust at second kill where, as locke said someone invited half world to the agg kill but our first one was solo clan kill. Stop saying ***
Firefury360 - Lvl191+ Ranger
Drake007 - Lvl191+ Rogue
World - Taranis
Proud member of Aeon

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