Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: rangers 125+ plz read

Imo rangers are fast becoming more useless however i believe that there new role is as a secondary healer who can still dish out some damage.
Ventius - level 227 ranger of dawn
Ventius - level 222 noob ranger of Enigma
Ventius - level 163 druid

RIP badabing

Your newest blue name who has dreams to one day be purple

Re: rangers 125+ plz read

I was lvl 153 pre-update. Leveled up to 160 post update, which was a grind, then stopped and started leveling rogue. Easily leveled up to 152 on rogue.

IMHO, rangers are broken. I only use mine to bolas boss. No real reason to level up for that. I know several high level rangers who have moved to alts.

Re: rangers 125+ plz read

I was lvl 153 pre-update. Leveled up to 160 post update, which was a grind, then stopped and started leveling rogue. Easily leveled up to 152 on rogue.

IMHO, rangers are broken. I only use mine to bolas boss. No real reason to level up for that. I know several high level rangers who have moved to alts.
+1 i created a rogue and personally think they r better.

Re: rangers 125+ plz read

Rangers kinda suck now but i dont complain about us getting nerfed, i kinda undrstand why we got nerfed and besides we r not the only class that has problems so im good as a ranger but not so much at pvp lol. My build is perfect for all aspect of the game and i love it, rangers still the best class for me.

Re: rangers 125+ plz read

i Love playing ranger.
Doesn't matter how hard otm makes it for us, if you start to hate them, maybe you werent meant to be one.
I can Heal 1.3k or do 600-900 Autos (With same build just different equips)
I struggle to solo efficiently but that wont stop me from grinding so that i can help my clan.
Ranger ~TeslaStrike~ Lv191+
Rogue ~HyperStrike~ Lv177+
~Proud to be a part of Avalon~

Re: rangers 125+ plz read

i Love playing ranger.
Doesn't matter how hard otm makes it for us, if you start to hate them, maybe you werent meant to be one.
I can Heal 1.3k or do 600-900 Autos (With same build just different equips)
I struggle to solo efficiently but that wont stop me from grinding so that i can help my clan.

YOU GO GIRrrrrl!
“Repetition Is The Key Father of Learning”

Started in since 2011 - O.G.
Server: Morrigan
Rogue: GodOZilla Level 220

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Re: rangers 125+ plz read

i Love playing ranger.
Doesn't matter how hard otm makes it for us, if you start to hate them, maybe you werent meant to be one.
I can Heal 1.3k or do 600-900 Autos (With same build just different equips)
I struggle to solo efficiently but that wont stop me from grinding so that i can help my clan.
Let me know how u do 600-900 autos cause i do just 300-500 autos on mobs of my own level with full str build :(
Firefury360 - Lvl191+ Ranger
Drake007 - Lvl191+ Rogue
World - Taranis
Proud member of Aeon

Re: rangers 125+ plz read

With str a lot of your damage will be pierce.
You would probably outhit me with an assassins lure
I have focused on elemental damage because it is less resisted when soloing and mages at boss fights generally have nice elemental lures.
Hope i have been of some help!
Ranger ~TeslaStrike~ Lv191+
Rogue ~HyperStrike~ Lv177+
~Proud to be a part of Avalon~

Re: rangers 125+ plz read

Lmao i quit ch due to nerf on rangers...got to 136+
:-) maybe i will comeback when otm decides to stop *** around with rangers and fix em up :3
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


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