Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: How many Time we need to Report??

Im my case i really thought it was a friend of mine an asked to buy an item off me and switched account sayn it was an alt so the trade went really fast so no time to check my clan member lvl i it was him . Plus not knowing his alt if he had one didnt help anything. Was a pretty good Setup as ive seen alot of scams but all have failed but this one on me. My frind is very respected clan member and has good rep.

recap little time to check lvl of fake friend aka scammer and the use of an alt to buy or want an item story was used. What would u have done ? very sneaky scam was but wont fall for it again next time .

Re: How many Time we need to Report??

"Although we cannot return traded items and gold, if you inform us via the in-game Support Tool that you may have been the victim of a scam we will investigate the individual in question, and may issue a warning to that player to return your items to you."

This was stateded before mail system and also the warning may not even be something for a scammer to worrie about. they get banned for a while then come back months later and allowing them to sell scammed items for more. So wheres the Real Punishment for their Actions? A Slap on the Wrist?

I know for fact u guys can track items and take from people. On a case i know of is this a friend of mine had bought a pre update item off some guy that got it as a refund and after a few weeks support was able to track down and take item away wit out askn and refund what was paid for item from trade.

So unless you take and give back scammed items and IP address banned them . All your doing s Helping them to Save Scamed/Stolen items for a later time .

Re: How many Time we need to Report??

Today 2 things happen to me . 1st someone Was using another guy fake name to try to scam me as i reported already just like the other one but this time it wasnt anyone name from my clan. 2nd thing that happen was i was told someone Made a fake name of mine and was shoutn all kinds of crap . From what i notice this scammer targeting the 2 Main End game clans players and making Fake names of their players to try to scam Others. Atm im unsure what kind of crap fake me has done as im at work . I guess ill find out later when people start telln me stuff which i hope no one got scammed under the fake me name. Damm Scammers !!!!!

Re: How many Time we need to Report??

I change of font in chat box should be an easy task and it would save otm support so many headaches of people scamming others with fake names all they have to do is program a font that the capital i does not look identical to lower case L
Fourwheeler- lvl 220+ rogue
Gyros- lvl 215 Mage
World- Rhiannon
Member of InnerCircle

Re: How many Time we need to Report??

You guys need to check ur servers and see who really plays the game .all because you see numbers of on server mean nothing . if Most are just alt banks, alts and scammers . You guys are showing that the real players are not worth your time and scammers are running free allowing for their enjoyment of the game conning people out of items it has taken hrs/weeks to get while you guys just look away and smile. Not doing anything is shows your also Guilty of allowing them to continue and welcoming scammers to Ruin Your Game which means in the Long Ruins Ur Job which u guys are taken likely.

This Needs Actions Taken Now not Months from now to Patch Fonts . Banned IP ADDRESSES OF SCAMMERS.
No use in patch safe trades if scammers just find another way to continue to run their scams wit out being punished as its hard for legit players to get Ur guys Help .
Do U guys need to hire people to do real support? Im sure theres people more then happy to go out and put some time helping players out so they continue to have enjoyment in this game im sure of it.

Re: How many Time we need to Report??

This is a copy how it happen to me so others know the scam:

Let me show i how this works and what Factor were needed to complete this scam . 1st scammer has been targeting end game clans (which im a memeber of one) on server usin named of well trusted players wit names that can change L using 1 or cap i. As we cant use real names ill use a Default name called xPlayerx and the fake guy is xPIayerx which even looks alike here but look closely at the l's. the fake xPIayerx alt name doenst matter so ill just call him alt scammer as it would be unknow to me anyways.

Here was my goal at that time was to sell my Thunder Drag Staff so i can get Another 1Mil Staff .

Here what happen

Went to castle and shout selling thunder staff 450k, then i said in clan chat selling staff 400k.
xPIayerx whispers me saying ill buy ur staff for 450k let me get on my Alt (Scammer).
I say Kool ... Thinkin to my self i can already see me buying that 1mik staff.
( alt scammer logs in fast.. no chance to check if they were real person )
Alt (scammer) sends friend request and send trade request .
I open up trade request and put in my staff...
Alt (Scammer) says oh i thought it was the other staff meaning 1 mil staff.
I say na srry i dont have that staff for sell and thats too cheap of a price any ways.
Alt (scammer) says yea i just thought i wa getn a good deal but ill pay 400k for that staff if you want.
I said sure ...
Alt (scammer) says ill pay on main
I say ok np and click trade
Alt (scammer) logs and is not seen again
(Time for this scam to be complete from start to end 2-3mins)
I waited about 5-7min before asking my clan if xPlayerx log on today and everyone so Nope not today. I was pissed how ez this scam got me compare to all the other failed times i stop sooo many before. I wrote to support about the problem also FB,Twitter also. I wasnt the only one that reported the scammer.

This scammer also try to get me again but using a different guy from another end game clan which we dont get along .
Scammer sent me message sup tank
I said sup
Then scammer uses a fake Name of another guy that was on at the same time as his fake one and told me im so so guy
And that so so guy comes up to me and ask for my 1mil staff and i was like what he like let me use it i Laught at him . And he logged i had a chance to look up in mail to see if there was a fake name that the scammer cloned and sure enough it was there listed. I reported scammer and told the real guy theres a clone tryn to scam and he also reported him. So that guy failed because i didnt like the other guy or his clan . But sadly to say few hrs later a friend of his got scammed for 1mil staff and was rumored to have quit because of this on going crap

There has been a few with in this 2 weeks that fell for this scam so it wasnt just me . All in this cases lost over 100k's of items worth.

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