Celtic Heroes

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Re: Taunt

I never understood taunt because it will just get you killed... And why would you want to do that? I mean, if your a low level in a room of enemies and you use it, your dead.
It has been a while since I started this topic.
Now I'm a level 80 tank with 2100 hp, and taunt maxed at 15/15.

I can tell you that taunt is VERY useful to keep the aggro when you are in a group fighting a boss; The DPS-dealers of the group might not want to see their low hitpoints reduced to nothing just because they hit harder then me!

Anyway, what I would love to see in an upcoming patch of the game, is more details/numbers about some Skills, to have a concrete view of how effective it is. Concerned skills for warriors would be: Taunt, Shieldbash, Frenzy.

Also, a good thing to add would be some extra information about what happens to a skill if we spend points on it (For example: Do I want to upgrade Bandage Wounds one level higher regarding the additional heals and rising cost of energy?)

Re: Taunt

I'm digging out an old topic...

Since I've recently become a tank I've been using taunt a lot. I have it up to 15/15. Taunt is (obviously) great to have but a bit weak imo. The way I'd like it to work is that you can switch aggro between warriors, so when one runs low on hp, you taunt and take aggro. However, if the second warrior is a few lvls above you, this doesn't work. I can cast taunt 3 times without any effect and then the second warrior is dead.

Also, I've noticed in general that it takes a few casts until taunt is effective. For example, someone (ranger/mage/druid) starts attacking a boss, I have to taunt 2-3 times until it holds effect. Considering the reload time, this is just too long.

In oder to prevent meany warriors from running around stealing aggro from anyone, maybe there could just be a taunt boost when you are in a group.
Selene (Mage) 134 | Xellaya (Druid) 110
Clan: Uskoci
World: Arawn

Re: Taunt

The way I'd like it to work is that you can switch aggro between warriors, so when one runs low on hp, you taunt and take aggro.
That's indeed a good point; I tried to duo-tank with a friend a few levels back, but it wasn't very flexible on passing the aggro :(
Also, I've noticed in general that it takes a few casts until taunt is effective. For example, someone (ranger/mage/druid) starts attacking a boss, I have to taunt 2-3 times until it holds effect. Considering the reload time, this is just too long.
Yeah but I think that Taunt works like a boost; here is how I see the process (the values are random, it's just to explain my point of view):

Let's say you are in a group with 3 characters, a tank-warrior, a DPS-rogue and a full healing druid.
Let's call the aggro on the mob "aggro-points", boosted by attacks, buffs/heals on attacking characters and special skills casted on the mob.
Let's say that we are in the middle of the fight with our three chars
; that's how the aggro-points are:
- WARRIOR: 2000
- ROGUE: 2500
- DRUID: 100
That means that ROGUE is getting attacked by the mob;

Now WARRIOR wants to get the aggro for ROGUE not to die so on the next step of the fight, WARRIOR uses Taunt, ROGUE stepped back without attacking and DRUID used Natures Touch on any of the two characters.
New aggro-points would be:
- WARRIOR: 3000
- ROGUE: 2500
- DRUID: 110

This is how my imagination figured out the aggro system, I hope you get what I'm trying to explain! :lol:
In oder to prevent meany warriors from running around stealing aggro from anyone, maybe there could just be a taunt boost when you are in a group.
Aggro and Damage dealt on the mob are two different things; The person/group who dealt the most damage will get the kill, even if someone else had fun taunting the mob; So taunt doesn't have any "bad" effect ... I think

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