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Long Shot vs Sharp Shot

Hey guys, so I am a Str based Ranger with the majority of points into Str and Vit. My main combat skill that I use is double shot, the second being long shot. Recently, however, I have been wondering if sharp shot would be better for me because I could use it at close range. Should I put the longshot points into sharp shot, or stay with long shot?

Re: Long Shot vs Sharp Shot

long is better than sharp, even if u put all of ur pts in focus
Hmm, focus affects Sharp Shot? News to me.

Clan: Ancients
RogerRanger 223
RogerDruid 160+
RogerRogue 160+
RogerWarrior 150+
RogerMage 110+

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
― Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Re: Long Shot vs Sharp Shot

long is better than sharp, even if u put all of ur pts in focus
Hmm, focus affects Sharp Shot? News to me.
i meant like no matter what build will it be, longshot is better than sharp shot
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Re: Long Shot vs Sharp Shot

long is better than sharp, even if u put all of ur pts in focus
Hmm, focus affects Sharp Shot? News to me.
i meant like no matter what build will it be, longshot is better than sharp shot
You have tested this? Can you provide data showing that Long Shot is better DPS than Sharp Shot for a Dex ranger for example?

Clan: Ancients
RogerRanger 223
RogerDruid 160+
RogerRogue 160+
RogerWarrior 150+
RogerMage 110+

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
― Daniel Patrick Moynihan

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