Celtic Heroes

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Re: Clan Revenge of Rosmerta kills Hrungnir

We dont have to show nothing to no one ,kill him your self
And we know bababing will go for another try (just like the other time ) so why get all butt hurt about it

Whats the point calling names? Cuz doesnt take much for me to reply you hater ... Or you guys are trying to leach off others people's works find out like we did

If you got nothing nice to say please stay off this topic ,we understand many will be upset we won't show loot and many upset there clan didnt kill first

You will see loot give it 30-60 days
Obviously there wasent a drop, your clan just wants others to think there was and blow idols and pots like you all did for 6k gold XD
L V l 189 W a r r i o r

Re: Clan Revenge of Rosmerta kills Hrungnir

First, congrats on the kill. Second, many clans could kill him if they bothered to use strategy. Acting like it's impossible for anyone else other than your clan and Bada is quite misguided. Having multiple shield bashes being one way that while is an inconvenience to warriors would make his healing a non-issue. Also, the direct insults to Badabing and other clans is ridiculous, grow up. You can be proud with an accomplishment without trying to put others down.
Its easy on paper
16 boxer!! All Seeing One
Owner of 6 camos,2 broom of dooms,white carpet , 2011 HP pendant
First to take Necro down!!!

Re: Clan Revenge of Rosmerta kills Hrungnir

We got some flak from badabing and some cocky comments on our first attempt on him. They were trying to spread lies about what they thought really happened. Some of them even said they succeeded in killing it, but failed to provide the SS's to prove it.
False, this never happened. You are trying to distract people from how big of jerks you guys are being.

The laughable thing is that in addition to this post, one of your guys made a level 5 alt on Arawn to start taunting us about how you guys are great and BadaBing sucks. I don't know anything about your clan, but with the attitude that you are displaying after killing this boss it is no wonder you are getting such a negative reaction. Congrats on the kill, but the way you announced it could have been done much better. Now your poor attitude is overshadowing your accomplishment.
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Re: Clan Revenge of Rosmerta kills Hrungnir

all the idols wasted for 6k gold with no drop. I got better xp and gold from a boggan chieftain :D . Not trying to rude but you wouldn't be getting these comments if u'd have just been proud of ur accomplishment rather than attacking other clans
Firefury360 - Lvl191+ Ranger
Drake007 - Lvl191+ Rogue
World - Taranis
Proud member of Aeon

Re: Clan Revenge of Rosmerta kills Hrungnir

We as a clan decided that we wanted to see if anyone else could kill Hrungnir. We figured badabing had the best chance at it (no offense to any other clan). Thats why they were mentioned on page 1 of this post. Didn't think anyone would try if they knew he was lootless. Thank you all who gz us, we wanted to be first to kill it and mission accomplished. That was all the loot needed for us. After we killed it you would had thought we all got +10 shadow strike bracelets (otm hint hint) by how happy we were. We hope others try and succeed before they nerf him. Maybe its just the gamer in me but I feel like its my duty. Oh, and please excuse any of us who seem a bit cockey. We are just over whelmed that we were able to take him down. The excitement just came out wrong. The first attempt made our success on the retry that much sweeter and we all went crazy. In closing good luck to all you heroes who dare the impossible.
1ST TO KILL hrungnir, mordris and NECRO
World: Rosmerta
"Ch Living Legend"

Mooocow 193 warrior
Str1ker 193 rogue
Shaman 191 druid
Moooocow 150 mage

Re: Clan Revenge of Rosmerta kills Hrungnir

We as a clan decided that we wanted to see if anyone else could kill Hrungnir. We figured badabing had the best chance at it (no offense to any other clan). Thats why they were mentioned on page 1 of this post. Didn't think anyone would try if they knew he was lootless. Thank you all who gz us, we wanted to be first to kill it and mission accomplished. That was all the loot needed for us. After we killed it you would had thought we all got +10 shadow strike bracelets (otm hint hint) by how happy we were. We hope others try and succeed before they nerf him. Maybe its just the gamer in me but I feel like its my duty. Oh, and please excuse any of us who seem a bit cockey. We are just over whelmed that we were able to take him down. The excitement just came out wrong. The first attempt made our success on the retry that much sweeter and we all went crazy. In closing good luck to all you heroes who dare the impossible.
perhaps all your clan members should be like you who decided to be douchebags on this forums.
Good job on killing him and being the first one to do so :)
Firefury360 - Lvl191+ Ranger
Drake007 - Lvl191+ Rogue
World - Taranis
Proud member of Aeon

Re: Clan Revenge of Rosmerta kills Hrungnir

I don't confradulate you all at all... Considering I lost all respect by you guys showing off, bashing on clans, and then saying to attempt a lootless boss so they waste 500 pots each and countless idols to get 6k like you did... But I do congradulate you for being the most cocky self centered clan of the year award!!!
Assassinprime- lvl102 Ranger
Ravenwing-lvl68 Mage
Betaprime2-lvl68 Warrior
S0uth-lvl61 Rogue
AtlasPrime-lvl180+ warrior

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