Sure do it haha. They will just loose their time because of S8rr's bs. Thanks S8rr!Watch when admin or moderator locks topic.Sorry S8rr but could you spell your sentences better? I don't understand most of them.
I traded my rogue for a druid. I got disabled one month. I've learnt the lesson and I did not do it again with any of my accounts. My rogue had a little more lvls than the druid. I leveled my rogue ALONE and I even don't think I used any elixirs until 90. Ask everyone of update 2, Croquette was never shared until that trade. But maybe you are too noob to know who played at update 2...
And I'll say it again, you DID leech my ranger Cacahuette when I was low lvl at boars. Don't try to lie, I regret not taking pics now.
Also, I chose Newton because I thought of Isaac Newton and found it good. I didn't even know that there was another Newton before...
There going to say "this topic is under investigation" type of crap.
Why do you want the topic to be locked if you are not wrong anywhere? Do you have something to hide? If someone named or shamed me for something I didn't do, I would just let them talk...