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Warden Armor? Cane Ability? Wiki or Guide?


I Used the search to find an answer on my own but without success.

Is there a Wiki or a Guide which Shows an (UPDATED) overview of all Warden Armor, for each class, too see which stats that armor piece will have?
I also want to know:

All item developments (Warden,then meteoric, then frozen? Next what?)
What are the stats of those New armor Sets?
Which level is needed for meteoric, frozen and so on?
What is needed to Build what - overview?
(i.e. Warden Weapon: two elm discs - can be farmed there and there)
Is there a Guide or Updated Wiki for this?

And which ability is Used when a mage Autohits with a Cane?

Re: Warden Armor? Cane Ability? Wiki or Guide?

At the moment I am unable to play the game so am unable to get the correct stats of the quest armor(Warden, Meteoric, etc.). I can give the level requirements though and the items needed, they are as follows:
Gloves level 60 1 Moon Frag and 1 Sun Frag
Boots level 65 1 Moon Frag and 1 Oak Frag
Helm level 70 2 Sun Frags and 1 Elm Frag
Leggings level 75 2 Oak Frags and 2 Crown Frags
Body level 80 2 Dragon Frags and 2 Elm Frags
Weapon level 80 2 Dragon Frags and 2 Crown Frags(The Elms and Crowns involved in Body and Weapon may be on the opposite piece, not 100% but it's possible)
Where to get Frags mentioned above:
Moons: Fellifire, Charfire, Chillimist, Crystalmist
Suns: Fellifire, Charfire, Chillimist, Crystalmist, Starspell, Shimmerspell
Oaks: Fellifire, Charfire, Chillimist, Crystalmist, Starspell, Shimmerspell, Spirehoof, Crumblehorn(Not 100% about Spirehoof and Crumble dropping Oaks but farely sure)
Crowns: Starspell, Shimmerspell, Spirehoof, Crumblehorn, Falgren, Brutus
Elms: Starspell, Shimmerspell, Spirehoof, Crumblehorn
Dragons: Falgren and Brutus
So you have full Warden? And what about Weapon, you already have that Meteoric?

Can't help you with prices as they're different for every world, but I highly recommend, if you're in a clan that is able to take the bosses, that you camp them and earn your drops rather than simply buying, as earning them gives a sense of achievement.


Zodiac Gloves:
3 Black Remnants of Earth
Boss that drops: Stonefang, Bonehead or Ironspike.

3 Water Tablets of Obsidian
Boss that drop: Goretusk, Bladewing or Redbane.

1 Ruby - Can be dropped by any Meteoric Boss PH.

Zodiac Boots:
3 Black Remnants of Rock
Bosses that drop: Bonehead, Ironspike, Shivercowl.

3 Earth Tablets of Obsidian
Bosses that drop: Bladewing, Redbane and Spearhorn.

1 Amber Demon Stone - Can be dropped by Meteoric Boss PH's, or from a rare spawn in the Druids Grove in Stonevale (most north-western part of SV) called a 'Bloodgrove Demonologist'.

Zodiac Hood:
3 Black Remnants of Metal
Bosses that drop: Ironspike, Shivercowl, Rockbelly.

3 Fire Tablets of Obsidian
Bosses that drop: Redbane, Spearhorn, Deadroot.

1 Iron Ingot - Can be dropped by Meteoric Boss PH's, or from a rare spawn in Shalemont called a 'Connacht Smelter'.

Zodiac Breeches:
3 Black Remnants of Stars
Bosses that drop: Shivercowl, Rockbelly.

3 Air Tablets of Obsidian
Bosses that drop: Spearhorn, Deadroot.

1 Saphire Soul Orb - Dropped by Meteoric Boss PH's, or from a rare spawn in Dustwither Catacombs called a 'Acolyte Soulwalker'.

Zodiac Jerkin:
3 Black Remnants of Space
Bosses that drop: Rockbelly.

3 Mind Tablets of Obsidian
Bosses that drop: Deadroot.

1 Ruby Boar Tusk - dropped from Meteoric Boss PH's, or from a rare spawn called a 'Goldtusk', located in the 'Boar Pit' at Northern Road in Stonevale.

Frozen Meteoric

Frozen Zodiac Gloves:
2 Purple Crest of the Serpents
Boss that drops: All-Seeing One.
4 Orbs of Frostweaving.

Frozen Zodiac Boots:
2 Purple Crest of the Hounds
Boss that drops: Swamplord.
5 Orbs of Frostweaving.

Frozen Zodiac Hood:
2 Purple Crest of the Hawk.
Boss that drops: Woodcrown The Ancient.
6 Orbs of Frostweaving.

Frozen Zodiac Breeches:
2 Purple Crest of the Stag
Boss that drops: The Chained King.
7 Orbs of Frostweaving.

Frozen Zodiac Jerkin:
2 Purple Crest of the Bear
Boss that drops: Grommak The Stonelord.
8 Orbs of Frostweaving.

Frozen Meteoric Dagger:
2 Purple Crest of the Lion
Boss that drops: Pyrus The Lavalord..
8 Orbs of Frostweaving.

Orbs of Frostweaving are obtained as boss drops along with the crests, from all Bosses & PH's of 'The Test of Regulus' quest line. This includes:

The All-Seeing One + PH's
The Swamplord + PH's
Woodcrown the Ancient + PH's
The Chained King + PH's
Grommak the Stonelord + PH's
Pyrus the Lavalord + PH's.

- Hope this helps.
This was specifically for Rogues but just replace the colors with whatever class you are, Warriors: Red, Mages: Blue, Druids: Green, Rangers: Yellow.
For the Meteoric items mentioned in the quote, disregard the third items as they have been replaced with meteoric crystals which are the same for all classes, Minor, lesser, common, greater can't remember the rest sorry.
I hope this helps you.
World= Lugh

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