Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Keep My Shield?

Shield of valor is nice for ur level, but you would need better lux eventually.

Keep the shield until ur level 50-60, and get the ow luxes, hav a good friend buy it for u or if u dont trust ppl, go to ow when ur 60
Thanks, but what do u mean "ow". Also how much does bodkin cost? Would they be good for 60?
LVL 49 warrior


So I'm a noob after all...
Slow lvling.

Re: Keep My Shield?


bodkins cost:
75k for silver bodkin of energy/health
125k for silver bodkin of rejuv,golden bodkin of energy/health
175k for golden bodkin of rejuv

btw these are shop prices
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Re: Keep My Shield?


bodkins cost:
75k for silver bodkin of energy/health
125k for silver bodkin of rejuv,golden bodkin of energy/health
175k for golden bodkin of rejuv

btw these are shop prices
They cost atleast 75 thou?! Where do I get that much?!
LVL 49 warrior


So I'm a noob after all...
Slow lvling.

Re: Keep My Shield?

at your level you should use a offhand sword if you can afford it imo...itll speed up leveling by a lot
dont use a shield unless youre a high level tank
So... Is there one lessthan 30k? I really don't wont to spend a fortune. Is it hopeless?
LVL 49 warrior


So I'm a noob after all...
Slow lvling.

Re: Keep My Shield?

Look, NO lux is cheap. If u really want lux items then u will HAVE to spend a fortune otherwise no, there is no hope. Saving gold gets alot easier at high lvls then it is now, u'll understand that as u lvl. Now back to op, you should wait till lvl50 and buy a golden blade/dagger. It greatly increases dmg and speeds up lvling by alot. Just my opinion
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