Celtic Heroes

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Is there a list, explaining what every single ability, like willpower, fortitude, reflexes, etc, actually is for and what it does? If a use the forum search engine, i dont really find what I want to know :)

thx in advance

Re: Abilities

-Hand to hand ability: increase atk (accuracy) and dmg dealt via wearing no mainhand weapon/knuckle blades. (all classes, for knuckle blades: rogue and ranger only)

-First Aid ability: increase skill effect of first aid skills (bandage, recuperate, meditate). (all classes)

-melee combat ability: increase melee combat skill effects. (warrior only)

-Cunning ability: increase cunning skill effects. (rogue only)

-Nature magic ability: increase nature magic skill effect. (druid only)

-Ice magic ability: increase ice magic skill effect. (mage only)

-Fire magic ability: increase fire magic skill effect. (mage only)

-ranged combat ability: increase ranged combat skill effect. (ranger only)

-sword ability: increase atk (accuracy) and dmg dealt via swords. (warrior only)

-axe ability: increase atk (accuracy) and dmg dealt via axes. (warrior only)

-blunt ability: increase atk (accuracy) and dmg dealt via hammers/maces, blunt weaps. (warrior only)

-staff ability: increase atk (accuracy) and dmg dealt via staffs. (druid only)

-totem ability: increase atk (accuracy) and dmg dealt via totems. (druid only)

-wand ability: increase atk (accuracy) and dmg dealt via wands. (mage only)

-dagger ability: increase atk (accuracy) and dmg dealt via daggers. (rogue only)

-spear ability: increase atk (accuracy) and dmg dealt via spears. (warrior, rogue, and ranger only)

-Novelty ability: Increase atk (accuracy) and dmg dealt via strange weapons like clouds, carpets, cane of bats, and other misc weapons. (all classes)

-Warding ability: increase skill evasion for spell attacks (firebolt, lightning strike). (all classes)

-Fortitude ability: increase skill evasion for physical attacks (pummel, quick strike). (all classes)

-Vigour ability: increase skill evasion for wounding attacks (rend, vines, incinerate). (all classes)

-Willpower ability: increase skill evasion for weakening attacks (lure of fire/ice, howling wind). (all classes)

-Reflex ability: increase skill evasion for movement attacks (bolas, entangle, freeze). (all classes)

good luck with the wall of text.

Re: Abilities

they are obtained from quests given by statues
im not sure exactly which statue gives which skill but it should tell you once you get the quest:

theres a statue in lirs reach near the waterfall (around the tavern) that gives you one quest
theres a statue in crookback hollow near the redstone cavern leystone

and i dont remember the rest unfortunately but after seeing the first two you should know what they look like
just go around the map to and look at each "!"
every statue gives you an ability
Deathreaver - level 136 Warrior
Flametongue - level 62 Mage

Re: Abilities

For the other 3:

-near high shore village
-near castle, in the more open area where wolves are
-near entrance to fingals cave in shalemont
Living in the world of Herne

KittyCosmic Level 113 Warrior
KittyDruid Level 61 Druid
KittyRogue Level 32 Rogue
KittyMage Level 29 Mage
KittyRanger Level 30 Ranger

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