Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Golems OMG

Yo hey im Safe a mage on Rosmerta and i play on a Ipod 2nd Device atm :cry: and at Boggans is A bug...ugly if i try lvl there i always Freeze means Game is Freezed :cry: Idk why . but i need lvl in OW AT golems now and i think their damage is to Hight tell me what your Problems are ;)
yo im a mage...and i was a proud part of Awakening....and have fun
BTW HORIZONS for the win :)
the answer to all is 42.

Re: Golems OMG

There isnt a prob with gol. Im a druid and i solo fine.

117+ Druid (Main) RedDogy
70+ Ranger
63+ Rogue
World: Morrigan
Clan: Looking for clan. (Old one was dead)
Current: Class Balance is a must!

Don't Judge a book by its cover.

There are 3 types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't.

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