Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Reporting a player

Technically you can kill anyone in the arena, even on the quest desc it says beware other people are in the arena or something like that, its fair game if they kill you
Character: Frostmoore
World: Danu
Class: Rogue
Lvl: 105+
Rank 3 PVP in Danu

Re: Reporting a player

Hello everybody.

Refering to the closed topic: http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =6&t=40237

Killing people in arena is not harassement, but killing people continously and then forbidding them (and also insulting them) to enter in the arena is a very hard harassement. I was there when it happened yesterday. I did not intervent, since i just wanted to see what the other people write and do in Morrigan. I have also made my Screenshots. My Friend was also there making screenshots + report and we can confirm, that it was very, very hard harassment from the high level player with insulting, and extremely bad behaviour.

Besides that this additional case just again shows, that the Arena needs an improvement! Too many harassment and bad behaviour.

Re: Reporting a player

Killing in arena no matter the circumstance is not harassment. Verbl abuse is

Even if everyones killing you for no reason, still no harrasment isnt it? Its a arena, a place people die
Lv152 warrior ToFat4Fun
(And some alts)

Re: Reporting a player

U guys better start reading better what the thread owner wrote. he is not saying, that the fact of killing is harassement. he is complaining about the bad behaviour, being killed again, and again, only because there was a dispute on the gladiator and he got the kill. The thread owner was being impended by the other player, that he wont be able to do his quest again, and the whole clan would gank him. I was there, i read all, i have screenshots. And this has nothing to do with pvp, it is just very bad behaviour and OTM needs to fix this circumstances!

http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 55#p303255

Re: Reporting a player

If you feel like it is turning into harassment, then report the user using the in-game support tool. No screenshots are required.
Harassment in the arena? You can't be serious..
Well, let's say I walk into the arena to kill Crammok, I don't have a choice whether I want to walk into the arena or not. I want to complete the quest. If I am being constantly killed even after a truce, despite many other people in the arena to kill, then I cannot complete the quest. The user is singling me out over everyone else and disrupting my gameplay. So yes, this situation would be classed by me as harassment.

In a real-life situation, I am told that every time I go to the office kitchen to make a coffee, I will be kicked in the shins. I want to make a coffee but I am kicked in the shins. This is harassment, and it is not a joke.

Some people want to have fun in the arena with playful fighting, not being hacked down every time you set foot in the arena with some sort of negative intention.
totally agree with vold

just remember there is a social aspect aswell to this game..constant abusive nature dont get you far in life

constant behaviour like this shows the personality of the person in real life

Re: Reporting a player

The Gladiator quests were designed to be a PvP quest - in order to complete them you not only have to defeat the Gladiators, but you also have to contend with other players in the Arena.

The Arena is also an open PvP zone. When you enter the Arena you are allowing yourself to be attacked by other players.

If a player is verbally abusing you, as outlined in this forum topic - http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 69&t=11539, then the player should be reported to the Support Team using the in-game support tool.
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/

Re: Reporting a player

The Gladiator quests were designed to be a PvP quest - in order to complete them you not only have to defeat the Gladiators, but you also have to contend with other players in the Arena.

The Arena is also an open PvP zone. When you enter the Arena you are allowing yourself to be attacked by other players.

If a player is verbally abusing you, as outlined in this forum topic - http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 69&t=11539, then the player should be reported to the Support Team using the in-game support tool.
Swearing in arena happens pretty quick. Maybe allow people to chat in group / clan only when in arena? Just a small point that might be interesting to look at.
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Re: Reporting a player

The Gladiator quests were designed to be a PvP quest - in order to complete them you not only have to defeat the Gladiators, but you also have to contend with other players in the Arena.

The Arena is also an open PvP zone. When you enter the Arena you are allowing yourself to be attacked by other players.

If a player is verbally abusing you, as outlined in this forum topic - http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 69&t=11539, then the player should be reported to the Support Team using the in-game support tool.
If Supporting a player just would help, there was no need for all those complaining in forum. Me and my clan reported player so much, (months ago)! You are saying that, if a player repeats violating the policies, he will get a perma-ban. We just can't understand, why people can repeat behaving like dumbasses again and again, verbally abusing and harassing everyone, without consequences!

I have seen many people in this game asking me for webcam sex, offering me gold, having seen so much racist expressions, even the names, people ingame can choose (like DeathtoNig*** (black people), Sexgirl, and such names.) Reporting all of this, ends in nothing. The support button is just a "Stfu-Button", so that the reporting player calms down. But this wont work for me and my friends. The arena is a place for extremly bad behaviour and harassment. So you are closing the threads? It changes nothing, cause the problems are still there! U cant just close threads saying everything is fine. No problem. Next Step is a detailed letter, with screenshots from ingame-chat and forum to One Thumb Mobile Ltd., to Apple Customer Care Service and to local press. This is important: Simply because there are also children playing this game, being harassed and terribly abused, and OTM letting these things happen, this is a needed next step to do.

I am done here. Thx and sorry for communicating, that player really are experiencing extremly bad behaviour.

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