Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

celtic heroes on android

why celtic why r u not on android i understand all the hacks people can do and all the cheating but in the time that i have been forced to play other mmo because i got android i have seen that games like pocket legend games r fairly safe with little hacks and they r on every platform i can imagine also i am not sure if celtic heroes has any relations with space-time studios but space times make all their games on all platforms kinda sucky games but only because they stretch themselves to thin with multiple games at once while celtic heroes is a lone standing game that has been just amazing and fun to play with patches coming in every few months for events and wat not. also why not make it computer version i know that brings up way more hacks than i could imagine but only if u placed the game in like Microsoft's hands or something but if u at least placed it on an apple computer........ dam things would be great anyway enough of me rambling and *** about wanting to play this game so much tell me guys wat u think of my argument no hates because i do not hate celtic heroes and if u think that ur a moron its my favorite mmo so be nice
king181 - 187
Proud Member of ASCENSION

Re: celtic heroes on android

Android sucks in a business perspective, out of iOS and android users, 10% of android users buy apps every month. 78% of iOS users make purchases every month. Coincidence? Most of android apps r what i call 'high school' apps. They are cheaply made free apps, done as a small project from an individual developer some of these may be good, but nobody's going to pay for an app, when there's several other free versions available

Re: celtic heroes on android

Android is generally cheaper than Apple b/c of its tendency towards p2p (peers to peers), meaning most of the stuff that cost you in IOS are able to be obtained for free on Android. But with that come safety issues like malicious apps that can screw up ur device.

CH is relying on IOS b/c IOS devices are more restrictive, unlike Android where you can easily screw around with the apps (change programming, like disabling collisions, aka running thru walls).

Until CH gets a better anti-hack program sys. or the like (prob in v5-v6), CH would remain strictly IOS based.

Re: celtic heroes on android

Android is generally cheaper than Apple b/c of its tendency towards p2p (peers to peers), meaning most of the stuff that cost you in IOS are able to be obtained for free on Android.

CH is relying on IOS b/c IOS devices are more restrictive, unlike Android where you can easily screw around with the apps (change programming, like disabling collisions, aka running thru walls).

Until CH gets a better anti-hack program sys. or the like (prob in v5-v6), CH would remain strictly IOS based.
E.g. Angry birds. Rovio makes squat profit from android vs. iOS. From a business perspective, i wouldn't make it for android ever, if i were OTM

Re: celtic heroes on android

Android version is coming out, it's up an running here in the studio and will be out sometime this year.
Wait u guys have a studio? So u guys work like in a small place?
Warrior:SwoopingEagle & Aspirex
Druid:Mininolo & D1RTYS4NCH3Z
clan: InnerCircle

Re: celtic heroes on android

Android version is coming out, it's up an running here in the studio and will be out sometime this year.
Will the android version be on the same servers as IOS?

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